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Posts posted by skirtandheel

  1. Three good things, buying our house 34 years ago, arrival of our daughter 30 years ago and buying my Land Rover 25 years ago.


    Thank you for sharing those.


    On a more recent note, and in keeping with the theme of the site, I did some web work for a boot-making firm and they made me not just one pair of boots, but sweetened the deal off their own by making a second - both very, very nice, unisex style, just exactly in fact what I had originally been wanting but could not find anywhere. THey arrived just before Christmas.


    That was a great thank you, wasn't it?  Do you have any pictures, please?  Or, have you already posted them and I've missed them.


    Ok, this is back in September, but I got married :)


    Something I never thought I'd be able to do, as it was illegal till just a few years ago, and only legalized a month ago in Florida.


    I had read about that and shamefully hadn't offered my congratulations to you both at the time.  Sorry, and all the best for te future.

  2. OK everyone, I'd like to hear something good that's happened in your lives recently. We all have problems and troubles. We've all taken a few knocks. So let's look for some of the good around here, no?

    I can't start a thread like this without sharing something, so here goes......

    In cyber space I've made a couple of connections, hopefully friendships, out of some testing matters.

    I've found some seriously talented musicians interpreting some serious music.

    In meat space (real world) I've met someone who seems to really care. She doesn't know all about me, it's purely platonic (not that I wouldn't like it to be more).

    I've got some leads on work; much needed.

    So, there you go.

    What good things have been happening in your lives? New shoes/boots, clothes, t.v., car, house, job? Anything, but be positive, please.

  3. Sorry to have been away from this thread for a while.


    Having listened to RW's version of One Man Guy, I understand your point and understand why he recorded it.


    Looking at Dylan vs The Byrds, my preference is the cover.  I agree there's scope for debate, but this is one of those instances where I prefer studio production techniques over raw performance.


    Sticking with Dylan for a moment though, three versions of All Along the Watchtower.


    Bob Dylan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzanOzyqgas, Jimi Hendrix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLV4_xaYynY, and XTC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qXxOSYZi7U.


    I think we're all familiar with the first two, perhaps the third, too.  It's been covered by so many, but which versions rate as C1 (tribute), C2 (I can do better), or C3 (let's make a buck)?

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