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Posts posted by kikepa

  1. Well, that depends - out where? Taking out the trash? That would have to be grade school. Out where others saw me? That would be college, using Halloween as a cover. For real, as myself, wearing heels in a public place? That would have to be about eight years ago, going to the movies. I felt self-conscious as could be! But I did it, and tried to ignore the few glances. One guy was determined that I observe him staring, so I made a point of pretending I didn't see him. He started getting out of line, so I left the concession line and returned later, missing part of my move, drat him.

  2. I am very much not into looking feminine, just as I am not into trying to accentuate the masculine, either. I enjoy wearing heels. Maximillian recently posted about 8 pics of himself in a blue plaid kilt/skirt and heeled boots that was a very good example of how to mix the two well.

  3. I don't think the cost of additional material would warrant but a few cents or more. The main cost of a shoe these days is the marketing, shipping, display, packaging, and taxes. Except for leather, but even then, raw leather prices for the entire shoe don't come to more than a couple bucks. There's not enough difference between an 8 and a 12 to warrant more than 30 cents difference in price.

  4. Some styles, yes - that's a given. But no, not "all styles." That's absurd. I think some, overeager to push the more feminine styles for men, have done more damage than good when it comes to societal acceptance of men wearing the more masculine styles. This includes fashion designers who flaunt feminine heels on their models instead of simply inching up masculine heels each year.

  5. Well, the rear half is clearly male. I'm not sure what the front half is, but considering leopard-spotting is an almost exclusively female apparel pattern, I'm inclined to say that the front, heeled legs are, and were intended to be female.

  6. Instead of arbitrary increments, the ability to navigate which depends entirely on the individual, perhaps it might be better to simple "comfortably stretch the limit," regularly? I've been wearing my latest, a pair of four and a quarter inch heeled winter boots for about a week. Love 'em! When I first began, it was a bit difficult, but this morning when I put them on, before heading to McDonald's, for breakfast and coffee, I walked around the house a bit before realizing the awkwardness from earlier in the week had gone.

  7. My two pair of boots that cost around $200 each have leather bottoms. They're slick as slush on wet ice. I have three other pair of boots I wear in the winter, at $20, $30, and $70. All three have patterned rubber soles that grip slick, icy pavements very well during my evening walks.

  8. Why the push for guys wearing obviously feminine heels? When the time is right for society to accept men in heels, the fashion designers will get a clue and simply have men wearing heels in ways that look perfectly naturaly, without clashing wildly with the wardrobe.

  9. Thanks, Bubba136. I mapquested it and it's up near Dusseldorf, which is a bit out of my way. DawnHH, not much to share. I've been out in public a few times, but not where anyone I'd know would recognize me. I wear them around the house, mostly.

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