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Posts posted by kikepa

  1. I tend to heel less in public during the summer because my style is geared up to more cool weather.

    I was just thinking about the same thing yesterday afternoon, while wishing for the cooler fall weather so I could go back to heeling in the dark (it stays light until after nine, here).

    The thought of wearing a skirt and pumps is still too much...

    I spent most of last year at home wearing a skirt and boots in the winter, as skirts in cold weather don't go well with sandals.

    One of these days...

  2. Over the past year, the ensemble I wear out has changed little: jeans, t-shirt or long-sleeved shirt, and jacket (if cold). About six months ago I began wearing heels out, first to the movies, then to other places. No one cares! Who knew? At home, however, I've long worn skirts, and a couple of years ago bought a couple of simple dresses, including a jeans jumper and a mid-calf, plain black, long-sleeved affair that that works great over a pair of jeans. I'll be moving, soon, and will likely expand what I wear, and where, when I do. Will keep you posted, including some pics.

  3. Bubba, that's about the most salient post I've ever seen on the subject of heeling and significant others/girlfriends/spouses.


    Awesome! It should be required reading for every man who's worn any heel higher than 1/2". Perhaps for any man who does anything beyond what Wally Cleaver would have done.

    I salute you, Sir!

  4. Hi all found this picture while surfing flickr recently.http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p35/donnawanna1000/2721158143_e0b058316d_o.jpg The person who posted this pic was freaked about a guy wearing heels.Guess some people dont like to see a guy wearing heels. ;)

    I guess some people have nothing better to do than to highlight and probably put down any and all people who're different than they are.

    Please tell me there aren't still people out there who're that insecure?

    Nah, couldn't be! ;)

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Donna. The next time I'm out heeling I'll be sure to be on the lookout for others taking my picture and will instead take theirs and post their disbelieving faces all over the Internet for the entire world to see.

  5. I've found the best way to push the barrier is to wear earrings, looser, more feminine clothing, and best of all, be my relaxed, confident self. The latter, as much as anything, makes for the difference between a fun evening and a blah one.

  6. Bootking:-)

    I too was wondering if the airport security guards made any comments about your dress. Looks like a smashing outfit to me. You certainly are not hiding the fact that you are wearing heels wth it.


    Dawn HH

    Oh, they do notice, even when you've got 'em zipped up in your carryon.

    At best, they pretend not to notice. At worst they've snickered with a couple of guffaws.

    Not exactly the brightest bunch...

  7. I really don't think we need to co-ordinate so exactly as most heelmeets arise out of individuals kind of saying: "I'm going shopping on saturday, anyone wanna meet up?" and they grow from there.

    The issue is that such events are usually planned at most a couple weeks out, and those who might have to travel need longer planning time. Let's compare: England has 50,346 sq mi of land area. Texas has 268,820 sq mi. Even the entire UK is only a little more than 94k sq mi...

    It's not bragging rights - it's a matter of driving distances, time, overnight lodging/accomodations, etc. I think most people outside the US don't appreciate the enormity of our country. Even Germany only has 137,847 sq mi of area - half the size of Texas.

    I just spent three days driving from St. Louis to Colorado, and both are in the same general area of our country.

    Colorado is "out West." So is San Francisco. Thus, having a RHM in SF does me little good when it would take an entire week just to drive there and back! It's 20 hours, one way. That's three days. And three more for the return!

    SF to NY? 3,000 miles, one way. 6,000 miles both ways. How many people living in England who drive their cars to work every day do 6,000 miles in an entire year?

    So, no offense, but I think a better organized RHM process, planned well in advance, and coordinated with the other RHMs, would be of tremendous benefit, as we cannot exactly drop everything and "go shopping on the weekend."

    I think it'd increase participation quite a bit!

  8. Kikepa,

    If it looks right, then it is right. Women do like men who wear heels, but it has to look right. Slender guy can wear slender heels, normal guys have to wear cuban heels.


    I think you hit on something, in a roundabout way.

    Let's consider:

    1. When using objective measuring equipment (don't ask), heterosecual women are as attracted to beautiful females as they are to handsome males.

    2. Heterosexual men, on the other hand, are attracted to beautiful women, but not handsome men.

    3. Women's fashion is highly varied, and women pay more attention to the fashion of other women than they do men's fashions.

    4. Men's fashion is not varied, and men pay more attention to (surprise!) the fashion of other women than they do men's fashions.

    This assymetrical result seems to indicate women would naturally be more accepting of men wearing heels than would men, provided the overall package, which includes proportionality, is nicely done.

  9. That's the crux of the matter! Depending on the viewer, they may not want to give you the satisfaction of knowing that they did sit up and take notice.

    I feel that level of cognitive processing is beyond the split second capability of most people.

  10. If you are a little shy, how about switching off the door bell when you are wearing heels.

    "Switching off the door bell..." :winkiss: Is that a standard feature in England? It's not here in America!

    Neat idea, though...

    An alternative is to keep a full length dressing gown or kaftan in the hall to put on when you get an unexpected caller.

    There you go. I usually wear a skirt with heels while at home, and towards the end of a long weekend, I sometimes forget I'm wearing them. One Monday I answered the door. Mailman. He didn't bat an eye. Nice.

  11. Here's an added something that you'll find curious, this kid ... was wearing a pair of long and overly baggy shorts with the waistline nearly down to his crotch, showing off his plaid boxers, just like knuckleheaded inner city black kids. And to think he griped about me because I wore a skirt. Who looked more presentable, me, or him?

    You, of course! :winkiss:

    I'm surprised you didn't respond with something like, "Dude! Why don't you bend over and crack a smile?" But your reply was less inflamatory, for sure.

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