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Posts posted by jim

  1. Landies are almost part of the culture down here.They were as comon as mud for years but the Jap trucks have left them for dead.

    My favourite would have to be the MarkII.They would go anywhere and were tough as nails.. :wink:

    These days my towing and off-road work is done with a Nissan.

    Posted Image

    These sand dunes are at Ahipara,in the Far North of NZ.Not to far from my home.

  2. The guys who supply the baby chicks to the battery egg laying farms have a growing market for live females...The egg producers can't get enough of them these days as the poor old battery hen quickly works herself to death producing eggs non stop and are replaced often. Now the chick supplier also raises alot of "boy" chickens as a matter of course,but they are obviously of no use to the egg producing farmer.....So what do you do with all these little male chicks that won't grow up to lay eggs? It's ugly, but the truth of the matter is the chicks are sexed when a few days old.The females go off to be raised and the males are feed into a shute fitted with sets of spinning blades that kill them and grind them into a paste.This paste is mixed with other ingrediants and formed into chicken patties,nuggets,babyfood and the like. Real nasty stuff.......and people wonder why I won't eat eggs unless they're free range and wouldnt touch nuggets with a barge pole. jim

  3. I also love fresh bread and rolls.I bake them myself and do a pretty good job of it.. :wink: Those idiot proof bread makers are a boon..... just dump in the ingredients and hit the go button. Three hours later and .."DING!".. there you have it, perfect bread, just like Grandma used to bake. :D:o jim

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