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Posts posted by jim

  1. Open-minded people exist. I mean, its sure you'll be able to find a woman that she'll be open-minded enough to accept you the way you are. They are rare, but they exist!

    They are not as rare as you may think my friend. ..:lol:

    She is out there Tahira.Finding her is one thing but keeping her depends on you.

    I wish you well in your search.


  2. "V" would not have been on the market when you last visited here Bubba.This product was launched about 5 yrs ago...or there abouts.

    This stuff seems to help, energy wise. It’s no miracle drink, but if towards the end of the day I find myself running on empty, a can or two does take the edge of my fatigue.

    BTW....did you ever try Posted Image while you were here? It goes real well with whiskey..


  3. I haven't had the chance to try that brew as yet,but keep your eyes open for "V".

    It's a Kiwi drink that should be in the French and Brit stores about now.It's an aquired taste and is rather sharp but "Think of it as your mid-afternoon wake-up call."

    Posted Image

    "V" (made by Frucor Foods New Zealand Ltd) is one of the new age style energy drinks. They claim that V:

    improves mental alertness

    enhances concentration

    rapidly replenishes energy levels

    provides natural energy boost

    vitalises body and mind

    An energy drink made with B Vitamins and Guarana obviously isn't for everyone,but we like it...


  4. .. just going along, minding my own business .... then WHACK!!!!!!!!!!


    what ever happened to good 'ol Frosty the Snowman.?


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