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Posts posted by jim

  1. I have found this sort of thing happens to me also and I'm sure it dose to a number of others here on the board as well. Not every day mind you, but often enough for it not to be to much of a surprise. There seem to be a number of women out there who are attracted, in one way or another, to confident well dressed guys in heels. It has nearly always been my shoes that have prompted these open minded woman to spark up a conversation with me. When out and about, most of us are focussed on the task at hand and with getting from A to B as quickly as possible. We are usually oblivious to our surroundings and don't often give passers by a second glance. I believe you to be an interesting, thought provoking and dynamic sort of chap with a very distinctive style of dress....You must have made quite an impression on that woman Xapod. To grab her attention, stop her in her tracks and then prick her interest enough to want to cross the street and talk to you... It's a shame she was jambed up for time my friend. Next time give the lady your card and say"call me"...you have nothing to loose. :( jim

  2. Hi Laurie.......Over the last few months I have not had the chance to stop by here as often as I would have liked and much to my distain, have taken on the guise of a social hermit. As a consequence I have only just realized that you and Chris have parted.Breaking up is always tough and am truly sorry to have read this,I really thought you guys were good to go.. My best regards to you ..... jim

  3. I often wear heeled boots with jeans,block,blade and still's.This pic was taken some months ago when visiting with friends.Perhaps not the best pic of me...but it's a great shot of my boots!

    Carry,my buddies wife, snapped this as we were going in-doors to sample some of her home made pizza.( now this woman can cook.. :( )

    The boots are by Sasha and have a 4" heel and the jeans are mid rise boot-cut's.

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