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Posts posted by kneehighs

  1. 3 hours ago, JeffB said:

    I suspect that NYC opening back up probably took a major league hit after yesterday's madness. The Philadelphia region was scheduled to come out of lockdown on June 5th, but downtown literally went to hell last night, so who knows what might happen in terms of new cases spiking. Stay safe!

    Thanks Jeff, hope you stay safe too.  So sad to see the burning of center city Philly.  My heart truly goes out to all who suffered needless injuries, small business owners who watched their property get destroyed without justice.  And to think just last week the world was debating whether it's safe to get a cup of coffee in public.  How quickly things accelerate....



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  2. ADVENTURES UPDATE: Attached is a screen shot of a short conversation I had with a Ukrainian model on Instagram.   I showed her a photo of me wearing black pumps with black leather shorts and a white blazer.   Her response, "I wouldn't care.  This is outfit is fire.  Ukraine is not ready for this outfit, but I am." blew me away.   Normally, I'd include her username, but I've since switched gears on that.  Sorry guys, you'll have to put in your own time and labor to find pro-heels girls on IG.

    NYC COVID UPDATE: On the topic of COVID, NYC is slowly opening up.  I tested negative for both antibodies and COVID, despite being exposed to multiple co-workers who had COVID.  In my opinion, the neighborhoods in NYC that are doing whatever the hell they want (South Williamsburg and Inwood as two case in points) have stifled all containment efforts.  Non essential service stores in Inwood were open before it was legal, people without masks indoors everywhere and large group gatherings are everywhere.  I've come to peace that I will likely re-encounter the virus.  My peace has been made with my death and if it's my time to go, I'll go.  Until then, I'll practice safe hygiene and basic common sense.

    PERSONAL GROWTH UPDATE: one thing I realize I do is rehearse the feelings of when attractive girls found me attractive.  I tend to rehearse that feeling and then immediately associate it with me wearing heels.  It's a sort of self programming.


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  3. On 4/28/2020 at 11:49 AM, kneehighs said:


    “Plazas, squares, streets – nearby cafes will be allowed to set up outdoor tables free of charge this season and thus conduct their activities during quarantine,” said Remigijus Šimašius. Public safety remained the city’s top priority, the mayor said, but the measure should help cafes to “open up, work, retain jobs and keep Vilnius alive.  Eighteen of the city’s public spaces, including its central Cathedral Square, have been opened up for outdoor cafes and restaurants, city hall said, and more are expected to be added as the summer progresses. The move has been welcomed by owners, with more than 160 applying to take up the offer."



    Outdoor Economy Trend continues from Tel Aviv


  4. I’m sorry for your delay to visit your loved ones in Vietnam. It’s family and nothing is as important in this life as relationships to loved ones.

    I may not be able to see my family in Central America till then either.  Super grateful for video chat on WhatsApp, but nothing beats a warm embrace of a family member.


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  5. On 5/15/2020 at 5:00 AM, JeffB said:

    Oh, my! I'd go with the Mork! Can't imagine you looking like Barry Gibb circa 1978 (top row left), ditto with a mullet or whatever the heck the one next to that is!  :giggle:

    Wow, besides Mork I didn’t  even know who these people were tbh. Just googled for 1970s hair styles for men, since back then funny looking longer hair was a stereotype on men

    On a serious note, I need to stop by my barber shop to see if they posted private contact emails/details for at home hair cuts.

  6. 3 hours ago, pebblesf said:

    Lucky you Kneehighs!  Sounds like you are going to have some fun!

    It was a throwback :) , but yeah, we had fun!

    Doubtful I'll be doing much international travel in the next 12-18 months.  Not only would it be risky from a health perspective, but I can imagine getting locked down in a foreign country as an unintended consequence and the nightmare of navigating a foreign country health care system.  

  7. Throwback to one of the times I spent 5 weeks living in Kiev (multiple times).  It was one of the best experiences of my life.  From the food, the arts and culture, the restaurants, it's honestly one of the most underrated cities in the world I know of.  Kiev literally offers every amenity that NYC does.   Labor is incredibly cheaper to hire in Kiev as well, which makes margins for business wider.  

    Anyway, on my first trip I got catfished on my apartment rental, lol.  Instead of getting the one that looked sleek and modern, I got one that looked more like a WW2 grandma would live in it.  Live and learn!

    Here's one of my friends asking me to wear these heels for her at night, as a joke.    Ahh, there will be good times again....really grateful for all the good times and travels I've had so far.



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  8. On 9/13/2017 at 4:24 AM, Shyheels said:

    And this from the boss of JP Morgan this morning:


    "Honestly, I am just shocked that anyone can't see it for what it is," he said.

    Seems I am in good company in my distrust of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency transactions....

    In history, for a short time in the mid 90's, large banks didn't want to do business with internet companies because the net was seen as shady.

    These same large banks also seek to establish relationships early in client industry lifecycles.  Customer demand = money.  

    Yesterday Bitcoin's daily issuance halved.  

    And yesterday JP Morgan announced it will now be servicing Coinbase and Gemini, two of the largest crypto exchanges in the US. 


  9. 12 hours ago, Bubba136 said:

    This whole event is nothing but a big scam.  All about the “new world order.  So far, not one “expert” has been right in their assessment.  Seem to me that all the money guys and pols want it to last forever. Nothing we little guy can do about it but turn off the TV, take it one day at a time, buy bullets and ride it out.  But, things are loosening up around here.  I’ll be able to get a haircut next week and buy more bullets. ;-)





    Democrats need to learn experts aren’t always right. Republicans need to learn experts aren’t always wrong.  Progressives need to learn the state isn’t always to be counted on.  Libertarians should learn the state can succeed.

    Each group has a blind spot when it comes to learning.  Without  the incentive to learn, there’s no learning. Sadly, this crisis doesn’t seem to provide enough incentive for any group.

    As for this little guy, I’m going to remain right here in NYC.  Smack in the middle of Ground Zero.


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  10. 4 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    Thanks, kneehighs, for sharing that link. I've had a number of interesting conversations this week, concerning my style and sort of how I see myself. I have no idea what I actually look like, but I get the idea that this is what other people think I look like:

    I'm not really opposed to that.

    You're welcome!  He looks clean cut and presentable to me!  

  11. 1 hour ago, Cali said:

    I see this pandemic continuing until we have a vaccine, similar to polio. I remember the public polio vaccine clinics in the early 60's. The trouble is, now there's 350+ million doses needed and the ability to administer those doses. And that's just the U.S.

    I expect this to last until August 2021. I expect to see hot spots crop up (like the clubs in Korea) especially among people who under estimates how this virus spreads and with a-systemic carriers.

    In full agreement.  

    • Like 1
  12. “Pride goes before the fall”

    Rise of the East, fall of the West. May as well accept it now, imho.

    Entire countries in the East are already Green

    Many countries in the West struggle to contain the virus.

    France and Austria are already both following this model.  Not sure the extent of border restrictions yet between zones.



  13. 7 hours ago, p1ng74 said:

    I think the point of the stimulus is to soften the abruptness of the disruption, rather than fuel it.  I don’t think the availability of start up capital is a significant constraint in the US?

    With 1/5 Americans filing for unemployment, the government should invest $1 Trillion in new startups to make stuff in the US.  Want supply chains out of China?  Want new jobs? 

    Give the top 100 VC firms $1 Billion each to deploy & let the government get the returns.  Not just Software As A Service (SaaS) either.  Across all sectors.




  14. I'll tell you what I'd like to see. 

    I'd like to see allocation of stimulus packages go to top performing VC firms. 

    If we're going to start supply chains from scratch, start with the best allocators of start up capital.  Let them allocate the money to create new jobs.  Not the government.

    Profits can go to government.






    6 hours ago, p1ng74 said:

    Taiwan already has law enforcement systems in place that rely on extensive surveillance.  It’s a pretty different society.  

    How much did the surveillance compromise privacy?  Contact tracing can be done in the US without compromising privacy.  

    6 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    Ditto for Vietnam, which has also gotten back to normal. Vietnam did shut down for a while, but They are Watching You over there, so when they say "shut down," they mean "shut down."

    Fall of the West (hubris), Rise of the East?

  16. No one has a crystal ball.   

    From my end though, it's quite simple really.  The deflation caused by technology is outpacing the growth achieved by inflation.   It's why 185 Trillion in debt has only created 45 Trillion in return over the last 20 years.  A smart phone now has the processing power the Pentagon computers had in 1980, for a pittance of the cost of those original super computers.  A single overnight video rental used to cost $7 at a Blockbuster brick and mortar store.  Now that same $7 gets you unlimited streaming from Netflix for a whole month.

    Deflation caused by technology is outpacing growth achieved by inflation.  Analog laws and statutes rooted in inflationary policy can't keep up with the exponential gains rooted in new digital technology advances. 

    The conflict between technology deflation and overall global debt growth is now at a crossroads.  

    And it is my opinion that this global reset, this new world order, will likely include a deflationary monetary model born out of the digital era.  I won't be surprised if FinTech/Silicon Valley replaces retail banking either.

    Just my two sats.






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