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Posts posted by Shyheels

  1. Thank you for the welcomes. Seventy pairs of boots is a lot, Thighmax! So is forty-five. I have but one. I will probably stay with that for the foreseeable future. I wanted to get nice, non-fetish style ones and in my size that is not easy. I got a pair from Jean Gaborit which are very nice, but very expensive and so one is very much my limit. But that is also perfectly satisfactory for my needs. I am fortunate that I work from a home office (except for when I am on the road) and thus can wear what I please and so I have declared over-the-knee black suede boots with 4" heels to be part of my office attire.


    I have no particular desire to wear them out and about. Were I totally a free agent, that might be different, for in having given myself permission to buy and wear these boots I also dispensed with a lot of the old self-consciousness about wanting them in the first place. But I do not live in a vacuum and my wearing them around the town would create awkwardness for others whom I care about. And since I am quite content for my nice suede boots to be office wear, it's handy all around.


    By way of further introduction, I work in a creative field (not music), travel quite a bit, and have found that wearing my boots, and the convention-defying, emotional liberation they bring, to be very conducive to creativity.  

  2. A note to introduce myself and to say thanks for letting me join the forum


    I am somewhat a late comer to the world of high heels, having only tried on my first pair rather recently - although I had an abstract interest going back decades, ever since I was a school kid. Back then, as now, I fancied a pair of tall high-heeled boots - not out of any fetish reasons, or because I was obsessed with high heels, but simply because I thought they looked appealing.


    I just liked 'em. I wanted a pair and wished it were possible for me, a guy, to have and wear such boots myself. That it was not possible, I accepted as an article of faith for many years, until earlier this year in fact, when I woke up to the idea that I could indeed buy and wear such boots if I wanted to.


    And so I have.  Buying what I wanted wasn't easy in my case because I have genuinely large feet - size 46, at least - and most of the ones that run anywhere near that large are from fetish shops, which really wasn't what I wanted at all. But in searching around the internet I not only found a pair of boots I liked - black suede over the knee, with 4" heels - but stumbled across this forum which, judging by the posts I have read, has a lot of very interesting people as members. 


    I look forward to popping in regularly

  3. In point of fact it is Americans who are taxed twice, with their income being taxed at both state and federal level (with the exception of a couple of states - three? Four? - which do not have state income tax) And then they have to pay for their health insurance and from what I understand from friends who live there this is no small deal

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