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Posts posted by Shyheels

  1. That would have been funny.

    A couple of years ago I was out for an early morning bike ride and was churning my way up a long steep hill. The driver of the car behind me was furious at being held up - gunning his engine and tooting his horn - and the very second he could pass me he swept by within inches, on full acceleration, and screamed something at me. He was still accelerating when he reached the top of the hill where the speed camera flash went off. Instant karma.

    i couldn’t stop laughing 

  2. Passing through London today - along with a host of people (not me) going to Ascot. While heels may be slipping from favour in day to day circumstances they are clearly de rigueur when going to the races. Virtually ever racetrack bound woman was in heels, usually stilettos in heights ranging from kitten heels to about 4.5” - and more at the higher end than at the lower.

    Men and women were dressed immaculately- in bright colours and jaunty hats. A bright spot in the day

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  3. No I wouldn’t - although the fact that the previous owner wore them only once, to get married, would not influence me. A combination of practicality and the fact that I am just not that dressy a guy would be the deal breaker. I like my boots and jeans - either casual or smart-casual, not dressy corporate heels, or wedding heels, or glitzy evening heels, but the kind of thing a high aficionado with taste might wear to a weekend lunch at a smart cafe.

    As to the colour white, id love a pair of white go-go boots if I could ever find some nice leather ones, but not shoes.

  4. I’m no fan of President Biden or ex-President Trump either, but I do think that classing either with Vladimir Putin is a bit rich.  As far as I know neither of the two American presidents have murdered any of their many critics, at home or abroad, or routinely taken foreigners hostage for use as political pawns or invaded a neighbouring country in an all out land-grab war that had cost many thousands of lives.

    Although born in the US I have lived virtually all of my adult life in other countries. I have never been involved with any ex-pat associations but have always lived as a local, amongst locals, and without reference to America in any way. Perhaps that’s why I have no sentiment for the place, although I had a very agreeable childhood there

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  5. Passing through Leeds train station this morning and spotted a guy in heels! Genuine heels too. Black patent ankle boots with chunky 4” heels. They formed part of an odd ensemble that included a long faux fur coat (taupe-coloured) and loose fitting striped trousers (black and gold) Odd though it was nobody paid him the least notice

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  6. Russia may have a high standard of living but they also have an iron-fisted leader who takes imprisoning and murdering opponents as a matter of course. While this may not matter much to people who are not politically active and merely trying to get by in their lives - the peasants had no issues with Vlad the Impaler as a leader - but it certainly needs to go into the equation about whether or not a country is a nice place to live.  Aside from the fact that their leader has great enthusiasm for invading his neighbours and does not trouble himself overly much about the human cost on either side - something to consider if you are of draft age or have sons who are.

    I do not miss my US passport in the least. I've nothing against America or Americans, but after 43 years away it's a foreign country to me and I've no desire to live there, or even visit.  I've raised children in both Australia and England. They are happy and well adjusted and at the start of what appears to be successful lives.

  7. 1 hour ago, kneehighs said:

    It's not a style that would work for you because lace shirts, wide legged/high waisted pants aren't your "thing".  Nor is his hairstyle and jewelry. It's perfect because it works for him.

    I agree. It would not work for me either, but I have no trouble seeing that it works for him and he carries it well because it is a natural expression of self. Mine is considerably less flamboyant - and less flamboyant or dressy than @mlroseplant too. I’m boots and jeans casual. I do take more care with dressing when I am wearing heels because they feel more dressy and more if a personal expression, but my natural style is low key and with chunky heels and tall boots over jeans.

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  8. Australia is considerably different than the US - perhaps not if you are only visiting, there may seem to be superficial similarities, but as a place to live, work, raise children, the differences are huge.

    we live in troubled times, sure., but for overall standard of living and quality of life there are many worthy alternatives to the US.

    I’ve never been a fan of the idea that any country is “the greatest in the world”

    • Thanks 1
  9. While walking in some rather picturesque countryside yesterday, looking at a view not too far off the road, I encountered a young lady wearing blue knee boots with about 2.5" heels - they were emphatically not hiking boots, and quite smart looking. Very citified. What was striking was that she would have been about 6'4" without the heels - must have been nearly 6'6" with them. She was with another young lady, also in tall stylish boots, who was only a couple of inches shorter. It was a surprise to see in the countryside like that. As for me I was in hiking boots.

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