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Posts posted by hh4evr1

  1. Hello and welcome. Hope you can find some nice heels soon in your size. I'm wearing my 6 inch heels whilst reading this. They take a bit of getting used to. I'm still practicing. I have worked my way up from 3 inch heels. Because you are size 10 it should be easier for you to wear high heels than people who have a smaller size because the angle from toe to heel won't be as steep.

  2. I have only had negative comments from groups of teens. I just ignored them as I don't know them and they don't know me, so their comments don't matter. These same groups were the kind of people who would make fun of anyone/anything different.

  3. Congratulations on your first outing in heels. The more you wear heels in public the easier it becomes. Also posting about outings here will give more people to courage to wear heels in public.

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