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Posts posted by hh4evr1

  1. I worked in a pensions administration company and there were always a nice selection of heels on display. I also wore my bock heeled ankle boots there Monday to Thursday (Friday was casual dress day).

  2. How do you confuse and Irish man. Put him in a round room and tell him to sit in a corner. An Irish man was staying in a bed and breakfast. The owner asked him what he wanted for breakfast. He said "I will have four slices of toast and on top of that I would like three large tins of baked beans" He eats his breakfast and goes out for a walk. He is later found dead and the police go to the bed and breakfast to speak the the owner. When she was told by the police that they think he comitted suicide she said "I dont think he would have done that he was full of beans this morning"

  3. Paddy goes into a pet shop and asks if they sell budgies. The shop worker say yes and takes Paddy to them to choose one. Paddy says he want to buy them all, so the shop work catches them one by one and gives them to {Paddy. Paddy put them in his pockets, down his shirt, trousers, in his socks, pay for them and leaves. Paddy's friend is walking on the beach when he sees Paddy lying on rocks at the bottom of a cliff covered in cuts and bruises. He asks paddy what happened. Paddy says "thats the first and last time i'm going to go budgie jumping"

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