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Posts posted by CassieJ

  1. Well, no replies yet. I walked from Times Square down to Madison Square Garden to the B&H store wearing the shoes in my avatar. No one seemed to notice or care until I got back to the hotel. Just outside the hotel some construction workers made a remark, just as you would expect. Total distance traveled: 34 blocks plus walking around the store. NYC sidewalks are a mess or cracks, grates and unleveled concrete. I don't know how women can walk them in thin stilettos. My wife has for 2 days and I keep an eye out for issues for her. CJ

  2. My wife looks exactly like Bettie Page (and she does look-alike work) and wears period clothing and extreme heels. I am so lucky!


    Historically speaking Bettie Page is the standard to which all others must be judged. She was the first to really wear fetish high heels. Rumor has it she has been photographed more than even Betty Grable.

  3. I happen to be visiting NYC this week. Anyone free for lunch Thursday to meet up? I am leaving Friday afternoon so I won't be here over the weekend. Went by the YSL store off 5th Ave today. I am so close to buying the 6.5" heels but they are $650. I know if I tried them on (in size 42) I would just keep them. CJ

  4. I was in Vegas from Dec 31 to Jan 6. I wore men's style heels (4") everywhere. I have several pairs and bout some there, trying them on in the mall. No one even blinked. One guy at the Golden Nugget asked me if I was wearing heels. I said yes. He asked if they were men's heels and I said they make them but they cost a lot more. We had to go but it was a positive experience. I think he wanted to find some for himself. Have fun in Vegas CJ

  5. Welcome to public heeling. Glad your first day was so good. I think most people that notice are not bold enough to mention it, even positively. Keep posting your experiences. I wear heels every weekend. Haven't tried work yet, but maybe soon. CJ

  6. I will be in NYC the last week of March with my wife. I don't know any other male heel wearers in my area so I would love to meet up with some in NYC. Anyone want to have a heel meet in the city? It can be informal or formal is someone want to plan something. Heel meet or not, I will be heeling all week! CJ

  7. I am happy to see you having such a great experience. I wear heels (4 or 5") most evenings and weekends (not at work) under my long slacks or jeans. I really don't understand why I was so apprehensive about it when I first started back in October. No one cares or reacts badly. Few notice and those that do get over it really fast or don't care. I have never worn a skirt out in public, except halloween in full drag. I am too apprehensive to do that but it would probably be the same. My wife wants me to wear my kilt out but I haven't yet. To all those that wear heels privately but want to go out, just do it. It gets easier really fast when you realize the world doesn't turn on you and most people don't notice. I know how hard it is, I was there only 4 months ago. I can't think of a way to assure you how non-eventful it is (other than your happiness). Be yourself and have fun. Life is too short to let others intimidate you to conform to their normality. CJ

  8. As I have been spending every weekend in heels, out and about, I am really amazed and happy that most people don't notice and no one says anything. At TGI Fridays today, the server noticed as I was on a high stool but she didn't say or do anything. I was hoping she would bring it up. No such luck. My wife said "she keeps looking at your feet." CJ

  9. My understanding of it is that the Japanese have calcium deficiencies due to their diets during pregnancy and growing up. They eat a lot of fish, rice and veggies, but almost no meat or milk. This leads to the bowed legs you often see on Japanese women (men wear pants most of the time so you wouldn't see it on them). When I am there I notice a lot of women with their toes turned out instead of straight. CJ

  10. OK...Went to Vegas last week and visited the YSL store. I got to actually touch these shoes in a 41. Unfortunately, I need a 42 in these and none of the stores carry it in 42 but the website does list them. There is a black version with gold trim that looks really classy but I can't find it on the website. I was ready to drop $650 + tax on them right then and there but they didn't have my size. The sales lady was really nice and I was her first male customer. My wife choose not to try them on as she would have demanded I buy them for her. I think they even look better in person. BTW - the knockoffs I saw were not as high and didn't look as good. CJ

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