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Posts posted by Dexter23

  1. On 2002-06-02 09:36, RubberVicki wrote:

    Nice boots, What's Kazza although?

    Kazaa is a file sharing program, With it you can share files e.g. movies or mp3's with annyone on the internet.

    Than if you are looking for something you can use a search engine to find out who has the file you want and download it from them.

  2. Just go for it and wear your heels to work. I have worn heels also more and more lately, But last friday i wore them to work, and yep you guessed it nobody told me a thing about them. Okay there not the highest there are but it's a start, In a few weeks I plan to buy some 3.5" or 4" blade knee boots and wear them a lot outside, I think there will be more responces from others on my shoes, but I don't care. These are the ones I am wearing now mostly. <img src= "">

  3. I think the weight would have someting to do with it. But probaly the most important thing is the quality of the shoes. Shure a lichter person can walk more easy in not so good produced shoes. But a bigger person like me just has to buy well build shoes in order to walk comfortly. This "problem" you don't notice at home because there you heve optimum curcomstances, flat surface and short distances. But outside it's a whole other ball game. At least thst's what I think about it. I habe walked outside in bad 2" and good 3" heels. The 3" where mutch more easy wo walk in.

  4. mmm this is kinda strange. on http://pages.ebay.com/catindex/clothing.html?ssPageName=HCA01

    the e-bay site if you are looking for shoes and you want a woman like stile it is called "shoes" but in de men's section it is called "Footwear" and that is the same with infants "Shoes" and boy's and girls have "footware".

    That's strange I think. If you are a little baby girl you wear shoes, than at "From Toddlers to Teens" you wear footware and than back to shoes.

  5. Do you realy think so ?? The fact is (grant you that) that since I have been wearing heels outside not a single person I, have seen who noticed my shoes, talked in a bad way to me about the shoes. Maybe it is just the thought of being TO diffirent that scares me. I don't know. Somtimes maybe i don't want to be diffirent and just want to be "like everyboy else".

  6. You gal's got it pritty easy when it comes to wearing heels. Nobody will ever coment you on them. So you can wear them all the time, and so you can practise in them a lot so you can wear high heels. As for men like me who only wear heels for some times a day/week, the higher ones are almost imposseble. I can just stand on 5" but walk now way !! (don't forget I have a size 11)

  7. I think maybe, sitletto heels are the start for most of us here. I remember it pritty clearly, When I was in school there where women on TV wearing stiletto heels. (not in mu home town, now way) and that realy got me interested in high heels. Now my tase has somewhat changed but I stil like stiletto's a lot, they just look good.

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