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Posts posted by P08C

  1. Lol, I'll do some pictures with the sandals...they're actually brand new from target. I have a black pair of chinos I could try with the peep toes. I agree that I think that look would be nice...my wife would throw a fit though...anything with Any sort of hint of brown (the peep toes) mixed with black throws her into a tizzy. I'll post some more pics asap

  2. Congrats! I'm still working towards wearing heels publicly on a regular basis. It's an ongoing process but I am noticing that my mental outlook on whether or not I should worry about what people might say to me is becoming more positive. I've worn heels publicly many times and me Never had a single comment...it's almost to the point that I want someone to say something so that the fear of what "they" might say can be calmed. Anyway, congrats on your achievement I'm sure many of us will eventually follow in your footsteps.

  3. Yes they are. I checked and they are actually a size 10 . Probably one of the most comfortable higher heeled shoes I have worn and very easy to walk in. The peep toes are also Vera wang but run a little more narrow than the boots.

  4. Thanks for the replies! I have actually gone out in heels many times but the nerves before going out are hard to shake...once I'm out and about be nervousness slowly fades away. I've also gone out crossdressed many times but that's not really my cup of tea. The peep toes are a size 10 and the boots are an 11. You might be able to find the boots at kohls on sale before they're sold out for the summer season but the pumps were on sale and were the only ones I was able to find.

  5. Thought I'd share some examples of my style and how I like to dress. The first picture is kind of me trying to be artsy. The pose is kind of awkward I think but I really like the outfit and the boots. The second picture is kind of similar to the first but with a different shirt and no camera effects. The last two pictures are a pair of shoes I haven't quite come up with an outfit to wear them with. I really like the shoes though. The boots and shoes are both from kohls. Been working on getting up the courage to go heeling with my wife. She doesn't mind my heels it's just that in public she has the same fears as I do. It's hard when both of you are nervous as hell! She likes the extra height it gives me though lol





  6. Not looking for a job but looking for a job. I love it! Can't wait to see the results.

    Well, we'll see what happens...gotta go get some applications and fill them out. I think my first applications will go to hollister, h&m, victoria's secret, and macy's. We'll see what happens! lol

  7. Just for fun I want to do a little experiment. I am going to try and apply for some jobs. If I get interviews for these jobs I am going to attend them in a very professional outfit (maybe some chinos with a nice solid color button up with a sweater vest and blazer of some sort and a pair of very professional but noticeable pumps...;patent black maybe). Then I want to see who calls back and if I get any comments at all. The jobs I am going to apply for will be at "mall type" stores like maybe banana republic, the gap, victoria's secret, etc. and see who offers me the job and who doesn't and what sort of reactions I get. I already have a great job and this wouldn't affect that at all...so it doesn't really matter if I get a call back or not...I just want to see what happens. Plus it'll be a reason to get me out in heels in a situation where I really have nothing to gain or lose...a just for fun sort of thing.

  8. I've been wearing heels publicly for about 6 months, and in that time, exactly one person has said anything to me or even appeared to notice. The one person who has said anything to me at all is a foreign-exchange college student from Malaysia who plays violin in the community orchestra I play in, and who is half my age. That all changed today.

    I went to Kohl's (a discount department store in the U.S.) to return 2 pairs of skinny jeans that just weren't going to work out--another subject I won't comment on at this time). I was enjoying myself, clicking around the store in my 4.75" (12cm) Nine West oxfords, when I came upon the shoe department (uh, oh, there goes all the money I just got back from returning the jeans). I tried on several pairs of boots, since I don't have any heeled boots yet, and I found a pair that I liked, pictured below.

    When I went to the front to pay for them, the clerk saw me coming, and asked me if they fit. She was looking at the Nine West oxfords I had worn into the store. I opened the shoebox, showing the boots I intended to purchase, and said that yes, they fit. She looked at me in confusion. I told her that the shoes I had on my feet were already mine, and that I wanted to buy some boots because of the depth of the snow outside. She replied, "Do you wear heels all the time? We don't often see gentlemen wearing heels." I said, "Not often? I'll bet I'm the only one." She sheepishly admitted that yes, I was the first heel-wearing guy she had encountered who was not in drag. She rung me up, and overall, it was a pleasant experience. Never thought of myself as a trailblazer.

    Next stop was the mall to go to the Apple store to rectify some promblems with my iphone. As I was approaching the entrance of the mall, a woman was outside having a quick ciggy before opening the jewery store where she worked. As I approached, she looked at me and my new ankle boots and said, "How can you even possibly walk in those?"

    I smiled broadly and replied, "Lots and lots of practice."

    She said, "I could NEVER walk in those." Curious, I engaged her with, "Really? I mean, I've had to practice a lot (which is true). I'm sure you could walk in these shoes if you wanted to."

    "No way! Look how skinny those heels are! I've got to have heels about this thick." She put her thumb and index finger about an inch an a half apart. My new boots have a 5 inch heel about 1/2 an inch thick. Not quite a stiletto, but close.

    I stopped and had a coversation with her for a few minutes. We talked about other things, like how hard it is to stop smoking (I stopped a little over 3 years ago), but mostly we talked about my wearing heels. It was her opinion that it's quite acceptable nowadays for men to wear heels, she'd just never seen it before. Then her co-worker approached, and she called out, "Hey, look at this guy's shoes! You'll never believe it!" The co-worker said that wow, those were really cute, and asked me to pull up my pantleg so that she could see. She asked me where I got them. I told her, and she commented that they were really cute again. Then it was time for them to open the store, so we said goodbye.

    I went about my business, and got my problem resolved. During my stroll through the mall, I felt some eyes upon me. I don't know if it's because I wore jeans which were intended for much shorter heels (I had intended to wear much shorter heels when I chose my pants), or whether it was because of the thinness of the heels, or none of the above, but this is the first day that I really felt like people were looking at me. I only wish I felt like I was gliding better today. And at least I didn't slip on the ice and fall on my backside. Phew!

    I know someday that some jackass is going to make some rude comment to me, but for today, all of you can be happy that even here in relative hicktown Iowa, people are ready to accept men in heels. Really big ones.

    Iowa, where are you in Iowa if you don't mind me asking?!?!? I used to live in Iowa before I joined the military! I thought I was the only one in that state wearing heels! haha

  9. Hey guys, I'm new to the forum and thought I'd do a quick intro and then ask a question. I'm 25 y/o and married. Been wearing heels or having the urge to wear for a very long time now. My wife is ok with it and just wants me to do what I'm happy with. I've worn heels in public several times (very nervous and scared each time)...the nerves ended up going away after being out for an hour or two but working up the courage to step out the door in heels is my biggest challenge...very very very scary for me...my wife worries too. I read alot about guys getting compliments and being out in public not being so bad but I know that it can't be all positive. What I'm wondering is what sort of negative experiences have you had and how did you overcome the ridicule or whatever that experience was? How did you find the courage to just keep marching on and going out the next day and the day after that in the shoes that you love? I've never had any compliments or any negative reactions but I always worry about what that would be like and how I would handle it and react to it. I hope that one day in the near future I can finally feel comfortable enough to wear what I want when I want where I want without giving a damn about getting made fun of. I mean honestly...when you think about it, it's silly to worry about something so much and so trivial as a pair of shoes but yet I think about it for many hours a day without being able to find that courage in me to be me. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

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