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Posts posted by CAT

  1. On 6/1/2018 at 8:52 PM, Pumped said:

    Cat, IMO, you and JeffB are a crossdressers, as are a few others on the site. Some guys get tense about it, but for sure you two wear clothing that is obviouslly designed for a woman, and wear it well. The reasoning behind why you choose to wear it is unimportant, but you do. Call it fashion, or what ever the point still remains that the clothing came from the women's side of the store and is obvious. I believe there are more guys on this forum that are CD'ers, but will go to their death before admitting it!

    I make this comment, not to offend, but just to make a point. You may, or may not agree and that is fine.

    I do have to give you two guys credit, especially you,. You guys wear it well, and I am envious!

    There are many opinions and definitions here.  I see CD as trying to pass as a women with the fully dressing from head to toe.  I do not do this and I am seen as just a guy in a skirt and heels.  With all the things going on today In society as we know it’s not that big of a deal to see a guy in clothes from the female side of the store.  I totally think there is is a double standard that women can wear what ever and it’s ok.  That to me is BS.  

    No offense taken. 

    This was my outfit on Friday night 









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  2. 1 hour ago, Pumped said:

    No, because a leather belt does is not obviously male or female, way too general. You must have missed my point that there are many styles of clothing that could go either way, no obvious "gender" for the lack of a better word. If women never wore leather belts and they were solely an male item, then yes, but you can buy a masculine appearing belt in the women's section of the store. IMO, like I have stated before, it has to be a bit more obvious what the "gender" of the clothing is. Also, women's wear has the privilege of stealing style from the men's side of the store. Men do not share the right.


    I don't know why this has to be "heated". Unless some people are afraid to accept where they are at.

    I am not afraid to say I am a crossdresser and I am ok with it. Right now I am wearing a women's stretch faux leather pants, women's panties, a man's t-shirt and my obviously female 6" spike red high heels. Earlier this evening I was wearing the same panties, work boots, men's jeans and denim work shirt while working on my Harley.

    I’m not one of the heated ones.  Just an observation.  I am one that wears what I like and could care less what people think or say. But 99.9 %of the time is very nice comments and some conversations.  I think everyone veiws this cross dressing topic in different ways.  As I have said for years I don’t fully dress not my thing.  I have no problem with those that do, I would hang with anyone anywhere any time.  When I’m out I’m just a guy in a skirt and heels.  Sometimes a men’s shirt sometimes a bodysuit and a jacket. To each his own everyone has there own thing going on.  I’m not here for a long time, I’m here for a good time !!!!!

    • Thanks 2
  3. 3 hours ago, Steve63130 said:

    I thoroughly agree with the comments above. He should have either shaved his legs, or better yet, worn black tights. It would have been an easy addition to the wardrobe which would have made the outfits much more acceptable.


    Totally agree!  I have always kept my legs trimmed and wore thicker tights most of the time.  If I was going to wear fishnets I trimmed a little closer.  Only recently got said #%€k it and keep them completely shaved smooth.  Should have doe this a long time ago. I still like the thicker tights but I am buying a bunch of thin sheer nylons.    

  4. 1 hour ago, JeffB said:

    Not me. I don't think I've ever spent more than sixty bucks on a pair of sneakers in my life!  :giggle:

    Hmmm,,,,, the same here for sneakers.   But a good pair of steel toe work boots,  6” heels, or thigh high boots,,,,,,,, the max spending limit goes way way way up.   LOL 

    • Haha 1
  5. 23 minutes ago, SF said:

    Stories such as this just seem to confirm in the minds of some that any guy who wears high heels is automatically homosexual.  A shame. 

    Straight, gay, who cares?  I wear heels because I like to.....   Take care all.....    sf

    I agree   It’s ridiculous that that straight guys in heels are viewed that way.  I have only been asked 1 time if I was gay,,,, by a guy who told me he was gay.   When I assured him I wasn’t he said “ I’m sorry to hear that you are not gay, us gay guys know how to have a good time, have a nice evening” and he went on his way.    

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  6. On 1/9/2018 at 11:56 PM, hiheellover23 said:

    Well just thought I would add my story to the pot.  Well Sunday I decided to go out and get a few pictures in my attire.  I was wearing a denim shirt with a red tanktop underneath, skinny jeans and some red and white platform ankle boots.  So I decided to do this because I had not been able to wear heels out in a while I was feeling constricted around family members and to get my "rocks" off I  thought I would step out of my comfort zone.  So I went to the  park to get some pictures in I was nervous as hell because it had been a long time since I had been out in heels plus little kids were around and I didn't want to deal with the ridicule.  So I didn't full get to walk around the park but I did get to take a few pictures on the outskirts of the park.  I figure "baby steps" right.  It didn't end there so I wanted to go some where to eat so I parked my car took a deep breath and walked to Tijuana Flats.  In the beginning I was a little wobbly  because I was rushing my steps but over time I slowed down and took my time getting to where I was going.  So before I walked in an older lady out loud said "I LOVE  YOUR SHOES."  We had a short conversation and she asked me how long did it take me to learn how to walk in them.  At the end of it all she said I looked really good in them.  Now note when she got my attention at first there were some other people near the window and had seen me but at that point I was not paying very much attention I was more taking in the compliment.  That was truly the fuel I needed to get me through the day!.  There were about 5 or  6 people  that came through I may have heard a snicker or two but I didn't care I was eating my food and I felt at ease.  I ate and left and drove to my next destination.  Drove to this area downtown kind of like a town square.  They still had the Christmas tree up and I started taking a few pictures there.  An elderly man also said how he loved my shoes.  He said that he was not sure that he would be able to wear any like mine but he said he loved them so it truly made me smile.  So my goal is to try to do this more frequently because my explorations are about to become more limited in the future.  So here are a few photos I would truly love to hear your thoughts!


    My new year's pics1.jpg

    My new year's pics 3.jpg

    My new year's pics 4.jpg

    My new year's pics 5.jpg

    My new year's pics 6.jpg

    My new year's pics 2.jpg

    Awesome pics.   Awesome outings.    Baby steps as you put it proved it’s not that bad!    

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