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Status Updates posted by meganiwish

  1. That would be lovely. Actually, I suspect it would be very tiring. But no, it's the words that have colours, so the rattle and hum of conversation doesn't do it (though 'rattle' and 'hum' are white and brown respectively). I have heard of people who see colours when they hear other sounds, sometimes even music. A couple of others on HH place have similar. Have you read the Girl in the Raspberry Shoes thread? It was years till I knew it wasn't the same for everyone.

  2. The drummer drools out of both sides of his mouth! How do you know when the drummer's at the door?

  3. The more warped the better. Love the videos. The first one, that's what I want to be.

  4. Thinking of the word 'quiz' (which I'm guessing means for you in this context the same as 'test' would for us), I wonder if you can help me. What does 'pop quiz' mean? When I was a girl there was a TV programme called Pop Quiz here, which involved answering questions on pop music. I guess that's not what it means to you. I ask because it's at the beginning of REM's Imitation of Life. Also, do you know what 'water hyacinth' and 'named by a poet' mean. Are they games that American children play? I wondered if water hyacinth is that folded paper thing children make that you can open and close with fingers and thumbs to reveal choices.

  5. This might seem a bit of a random question, but did you see all the five plannets that wetre visible last night, or was that just for us? I was looking forward to it, and then the sky was covered with cloud.

  6. Yes Scout, that's right, real name Jean Louise. Doesn't Atticus leave you wondering where all the real gentlemen have gone. Can be a real man without being coarse or rough. I lasts read it last year, introducing my daughter to it. Modern British education doesn't make them read any of the books they should. I find people get too hung up on the trial and Alabama prejuidice. Of course, it has a big part, but there's no suggestion in the book that the people are anything but decent people, Bob Ewell excepted. I've always seen it as a book about the loss of childhood innocence, innocence being the mockingbird of the title. I think a key moment is when Mr Dolphus Raymond tells Dill he's right to cry about the injustice. 'Because you're children and you can understand it...Let him get a little older and he won't get sick and cry.' Lovely book.

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