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Status Updates posted by ChipsHH

  1. just browsed the albums, saw a comment, then came by your page. noticed the heels... those are the same ones i was planning on getting a few months back. i really liked them, but i found another deal and pair that caught my eye at a faster pace, haha looking at them there... i see how nice they look now. so kudos&compliments to you and the booties :D

  2. Hello! So sorry! Just checked my profile and saw that you commented! How are you??

  3. Really liking the new pic ^_^ For some reason, I prefer it over the previous :P (if I may say)

  4. Hey there. Was browsing your pictures on here, something crossed my mind... How often do you wear your heels? And is it with friends or going solo?

  5. Appreciate you reading ^_^ That's very interesting. I'm still on the search for a club that's not too far (the vehicle can't handle very far. Only on a full tank). And once that's accomplished and found, best believe I will strut myself in some good-looking club shoes! ;P I was just stricken with impressiveness in your pics, cause it looks like you handle yourself well, whenever you do go out and about. Btw, is your girlfriend one of the lucky ones to know? :o

  6. Thanks a bunch ^_^ Yeah, there definitely should be a lot more of us out there strutting. Although I haven't these days, I should be right back on the boat next week. I have two pair of heels waiting for me at DSW ;D

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