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Posts posted by HappyFeat

  1. .but for pumps..PATENT IS BEST


    I agree with this statement whole heartedly! But not just black, however. LailaLily mentioned red in a previous posting, and there is a really cool blue patent that many brands are marketing (at least in my area), that are to die for! Any time I am in the shoe department or a shoe store, it is patent in almost any color that catches my eye. I may be a magpie as well...:smile:

  2. It would be interesting to learn how many factories they own and which factories produce which brands. (I bet they "out-source" a great deal of their production to generic shoe manufacturers who make shoes for many different companies that just put their label on them.)

    This is a very good point. It may be worth exploring, so if there is anybody else who has knowledge about what companies produce which brands, that would be interesting to know.

  3. That's quite interesting. A lesbian club [well, theoretically- gay males, bi or straight people have fun there too] was a place where I really felt at home and received some compliments from girls on my heels and nails [which I painted black].

    Actually, Lesbians have been pretty cool...As Blackslide said i his post, I kind of live in a "redneck" area, and a lot of the gay culture here is very much into gender roles. Crossing the gender boundries is really not heard of here...

  4. I have had a major curiosity about the relationship between Nine West and Bandolino. Maybe someone here could answer it for me. I know they are the same company, but which band is higher end? Are both brands marketed to the same demographic? Are their other brands within the same company? If anybody could help fill in the blanks, it would be much appreciated.

  5. Name: Tom Age: 40 Gender: Male Location: US Occupation: College Professor Height: 6'2" Weight: 200 Shoe size: US Women: 11M, US Men 10C What's your favourite heel style: Stilletto What's your favourite shoe style: Pumps, open toe if possible Do you wear your heels outside: Of Course!!! What is: (a) Your favourite heel height: 4-4.5" (:smile: Your highest heel height: 5" How often do you wear: (a) Your favourite heel height: twice a week usually (:wave: Your highest heel height: occasionally, maybe once every six months Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: Prefer barefoot, though I will wear stockings or kneehighs (though I consider kneehighs cheating) Anything else you wish to add: I have earned the nickname HiHeel Tom in my hometown. Also, I take many women shoe shopping and do makeovers.

  6. The shoes I tend to avoid as "too girly" for me are pink or white, but it is mainly a color thing for me. I have a ouple of pair with bows, and even get into metalics some. With the right outfit almost any show will work. But the context of the whole outfit is what is critical for me.

  7. Size 11M US, I think that's a 42 euro...I wear a 10US in men's, an I have a very narrow foot...women's shoes actually fit me better. Also, I just wanted to say how wonderful it is that so many manufacturers are coming out with nice styles in 11s and 12s.

  8. I thought I would relay an observation of my own. I have noticed that most people don't notice most things anyway. I have been out on many occasions that I walk by in my heels and people are so absorbed in their own little worlds that they don't notice anything. Sometimes I think, 'Hey if you pay attention to the world around you, maybe yo can see some cool (or at least different) things like a sunset, a shooting star, or the guy wearing heels who walked right in front of you!' Wearing heels and looking for reactions has taught me more about other people than I could have ever dreamed. Another observation is that young women (girls) in a pack are ill mannered. If anything is outside the ordinary they will laugh and make a fuss. That in and of itself is fine, however they feel the need to share it with anybody who will listen. Women (over 24, for the sake of argument) do not tend to behave that way in a group. However, one on one, the same young woman would react much differently and may even be polite. I think i has much more to do with their maturity and the need to not be viewed as deviant from what is expected. Recently, I have had a few encounters with young straight men who have been quite complementary...something in the order of great shoes dude! These encounters may have had a bit of sarcasm involved, but once the comment was made, they simply moved on. I have also noticed that I am sensitive to others more. I wouldn't wear heels around some people because it makes THEM uncomfortable. For example, older women (Over 65, for the sake of argument) attend to get quite flustered and people with young children tend to overreact. The former simply because gender boundaries are a fact of prior generation's lives and the latter simply because they don't want their kids to scream.."Hey MOM LOOK AT THAT GUY..." I try to avoid certain situations where heels would make other feel uncomfortable. But that's just me. Probably the rudest treatment that I received was at a gay bar...but that's another story for another time. I the end, if we love wearing heels or other articles of clothing marketed to women, and are cool with it, we are being true to who we are...and that's not kidding anybody!

  9. I am 6'2" and usually wear heels i the 4.5" range. I am more for the classic styles and that seems to be the popular heel height. I guess, I am already tall, so the heels don't make me feel any taller and I just don't give it any thought. However, I thought I would share this little experience with everybody. I was out last summer and the female clerk at a coffee shop asked why I was earing heels. Well, I know we all have our textbook responses we use in just such an occasion, but I said I just like being taller. She, bout 5'2" herself, was unimpressed. Anyway, I guessed being taller crossed my mind at least once...lol

  10. Nine West is one of only three brands of shoes I will buy (the others being Steve Madden and Bandolino, which is a NW band anyway.) The reasons are two-fold, a Nine West US11B fits me PERFECTLY, and it also keeps me from buying way too many shoes if I stick to my three brands.

  11. I voted for "Just a Guy in Heels." I could never do the whole "feminine" thing. However, I did go out once in a skirt this summer on kind of a dare, and will do it again when the mood strikes, but there was nothing feminine about it. Also, I think wearing heels has brought me into experimenting with other women's fashions, mainly pants and jeans, but also a few tops. I could never look good in a dress, my body just isn't right for it.

  12. Yes, you most certainly can wear this as well as the other skirts. I love all of the skirts you have modeled and do love the first one. The skirt with the sheer hemline is very nice for evening attire; that's what makes it so great. I think a more feminine look is highly appropriate for the look you achieved. The other skirts are very nice as well, but more "professional," if that's the right word. As for the bare legs, I like that a whole lot. Here in the States, the bare leg look has been in for quit some time, almost to the point that hosiery manufacturers are in a bit of a panic. Besides, you have the legs for it! I am not a big fan of the seemed stockings, just a bit over the top for my taste. Though that is a fairly strange statement since we are talking about wearings heels and skirts...LOL Also, thanks for the ideas for outfits as well!!! Keep it up...

  13. I voted for 4.5" heels, which seems to be the most common heel height that I have in my collection. I recently bought a pair of open-toe Bandolino pumps with a solid heel and a 1/2" platform at 4.5" that I could play basketball in...LOL...I danced for three hours without sitting, so I figure a mile would be no problem. One shoes get higher than 4.5" or so, I have bigger problems with the vamp than I do with the heel height. All of that weight coming forward I guess. Also, any walking for me would require a pump, boot, or some other shoe with a solid back. I find mules, slides, slings, and sandals very difficult for walking more than a short distance at one stretch.

  14. It's all about style! Tonight I wore a pair of Steve Madden pattent leather Mary Janes, with only a 2 1/2 inch heel and round toe. Because I was wearing jeans, the toe style got more attention than the heel ever would have. In fact, the styles I choose seldom have a heel over 4 inches.

  15. I too get a regular pedicure but only have gotten clear polish. I think people should do what makes them happy regardless of gender. I voted maybe because in order for nail polish to work, you gotta have nice feet.

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