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Posts posted by nhoj62

  1. holy cow batman some of these things are truely terrible, am hiding behind my chair here, might have to move too the next room if it gets any worse.

    tho the ones posted by scotty aren`t too bad

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    just loose the pocket and the white strip on the sole of the black pair and they are fine in my opinion. i would buy them if they were sold with above mods to them.



  2. hi tesa sounds like you are having a great time, just ignore the people who don`t like your shoes and just wear them because u wont to and enjoy doing it. any chance of a pic of your sandals?. if it not too much trouble that is. later nhoj62

  3. hey heellover1907 feel free to email me with pics just follow the link at the bottum of my postings. or even hop on msn messenger an we can have a chat. but please let me know your email address first then i know who u are. or start your own thread and have at it. i will post pics when i get the chance of taking more pics of more boots when i get more boots. later nhoj62

  4. hey folks bet you thought i had shown you everything, well surprise it was not the case i had forgotten these 4.5in heeled beauties. they are lace up the front. the heel is also steel tipped, they are uk 10.

    i thought this combo of pvc leather look skirt and pvc leather look zippy trousers and shiny pvc boots looked rather sexy.

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    and the second pic with the zippy front trousers unzipped.

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    later folks


  5. hi dawn yes the red ones are abit different that is wot made me buy them, they are nice an comfy too. the blue ones are nice if abit tight, i will have to find a pair in size nine so they are abit more comfy as the plastic on these ones does not stretch at all. and that is it for now on the pic front sorry. later nhoj62

  6. dawn i know wot u mean, post one pic then before u know it u got a monster thread on your hands, i mean this is page four already. feeling abit giddy, lol.

    i will probably wear these outside at some if to air them an get rid of smell at least, but i have to say that the quality is not all that bad. an yes i could wear them with the tops down but i prefer them up.

    an just for fun another pic

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  7. hey dawn here are the pics

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    brand - odeon

    size - uk8

    purchased - stepping out bristol

    cost - £40

    are the easy to walk in - yes they are tho the toe is abit long an u would catch it on things if u were walking for awhile.

    does the size run true - i think these are a little bit big for the size more like an eight an a half.

    hows the width - nice actually they don`t quash my toes as much as some boots i have.

    zip or pull on? - zip up the inside. apart from the very top which has a fold over bit.

    are they hot on the legs and feet - no not really they are comfortable, but if u were to wear them for along time they might get abit hot as they are plastic not leather or canvas.

    hope this answers all the questions.



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