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Tacchi Alti

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Posts posted by Tacchi Alti

  1. 4 hours ago, HappyinHeels said:


    Welcome to our site!  Read your post about wanting a trip to San Francisco. I once lived there and can offer you some useful information. As Cali pointed out SF is built on a series of hills. The fact is, for a city on a peninsula with the ocean virtually visible from many areas, most of the city is better than 200 feet above the water. Many streets have grades of 11% or better which is rare in North American cities north of Mexico. While SF doesn't care what style you wearing YOU may want to choose your style carefully. I would take at least two pairs of wedge sandals which give you height but with stability. You could plan a night out to dinner and then a nightclub in stiletto heels but pack them in handbag and change into them as you arrive at your venue. That way you'll avoid the hazards described above. My other advice is this: San Francisco is one of the coldest cities you never saw coming! The average high temperature in the warmest month (September) is just 70F/21C. The driest months are May-September although there is abundant sunshine all year around. Despite low average rainfall the humidity is almost always high in SF as there is water everywhere you look. The average high in April is 63 which is the same in November. Its climate is not typical of anywhere else in the USA. It is a Mediterranean climate with a heavy marine influence. A jacket is about the most important possession a San Franciscan has. If you want specific ideas on where to stay I'll give you some.  HappyinHeels

    I went to SF once and was amazed by the temperature, especially as in the Sierra Nevada (several thousand feet up) it was warmer! It was May, and I very definitely needed a jacket although it was a lovely sunny day. Lombard Street in heels! Lovely thought.

  2. Jeremy, I put a ruler against the Cuban heels as someone else queried the height! The others are exactly the same height - 4 inches. It's the toes that are pointy - on both pairs. You can probably see from the bottom of the wedge why I suspect it, and not the heel itself, was hitting the uneven surface and slipping.

  3. 22 hours ago, Shyheels said:

    Sounds like you ae making the most of this nice boot-wearing weather! Who needs spring?

    Boots are certainly easiest to wear without calling too much attention to yourself, and also easiest to find. I've found a pair of shoe boots that should be OK as the weather warms up. Apart from the pointy toes they don't look toooo feminine. Pictures of both below. The wedges are less than half an inch wide, but the cuban heels are more like an inch.



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  4. That's a great story, Jeremy. Well done, and I hope your heely relationship with your wife continues to progress well. My experience over nearly 30 years is varying acceptance, from buying me heels to wanting me to get rid of them. Just stick it out - it took 27 years before she accepted me going out publicly in them, and now she seems reasonably comfortable with accompanying me when I'm wearing my more restrained styles. Last Wednesday was our wedding anniversary and we went out for a meal, with me wearing my 4 inch very thin wedge boots. However, afterwards she said she wished I hadn't worn them (although I've done it before when we've been out for a meal together) as they look like stilettos from the back, and she doesn't like me in things that look too feminine. So next time I'll wear something with thicker heels as I don't want to set things back between us. Actually, those boots were a bit unstable on the surface we were walking on. It's wooden boarding with strips of less slippery stuff attached, and I think if they had been ordinary heels rather than wedges they'd have been much safer, as the bottoms of the wedges were skating on the surface! Some of the boards were diagonal, so the heels kept slipping sideways in the 'ruts' as the surface was wet from recent rain! I was glad to have her to hold onto although I didn't slip too much. Part of me loved the vulnerability, though!

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  5. On 25/11/2017 at 5:36 AM, kneehighs said:

    Amazing find.  Nice to see people financially speculating on heels for men.  I sincerely wish him the best.  The videos were really well done, imho.

    Sad but not surprised to see such little market demand for heels for men.  Doesn't look like they will meet their fundraising goal by November 28th.

    They're just like other male shoes - all the same! Different materials and different names, but otherwise almost identical, just like the rows of men's shoes in any shoe shop. Perhaps that's the idea - lulling your average unimaginative man into believing they're a safe option. I wouldn't buy them, even at a tenth of the price!

    You have to admire the company for trying, though, and maybe it will make some little contribution to making heels for men slightly more mainstream.

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  6. 16 hours ago, pebblesf said:

    I agree, sometimes I think that women don't like having their "femininity" threatened, especially if the can no longer wear the heels they once loved showing off.   Welcome Luvheels, my partner HATES my love of high heeled boots, so I too only get to enjoy them while away for work.  I really hope your wife will find some understanding and acceptance for you buddy, we are here for you....Don

    My wife has known about my heel wearing for about 29 years, and it's only in the last four or so that she's been OK with me wearing them in public. Her attitude about indoor wear has varied over the years. The trouble is, if you try to ask questions about WHY they object, they get all emotional and make it plain that any decent man would KNOW why. I suppose it's a question of reverse psychology needed. If they know it gives you simple pleasure, why should they deny you that? They enjoy a variety of clothes - why not you? They understand feelings more than facts. As I said to my wife, it's not as though I'm going out mugging old ladies. I'm harming no one, and it gives me a lot of enjoyment. I'm not asking for her to understand me; just to indulge me. Luvheelsmuch might also hint that it could be worthwhile in the bedroom....

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  7. It's this total hypocrisy that really annoys me. Does she wear jeans and sneakers? Those are men's wear, so you should freak out about her wearing them! Women wear what they like, and no one bats an eyelid. Unfortunately it's very difficult to reason with them, as their opinions aren't based on reason. I'm saying that as someone who actually gets on very well with my wife! Have you asked her what she likes about wearing heels? Should you be forbidden that simply because of the wrong mix of chromosomes? That's just cruel!

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  8. Just take things as they come. My wife still doesn't really like me wearing heels even after 30 years, but she realises they are part of me. Also I wear them because they are an instant cure for backache. Try raising the subject with your wife sometime - just a general comment about heels, not about you wearing them. Does she wear them herself? I think a lot of women feel threatened by men who wear heels, and a kneejerk reaction is, 'Are you gay?' That's what my wife asked and I've since found it's a common question. So is a woman in flat shoes a lesbian? Just as much logic...

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  9. On 12/8/2017 at 5:14 PM, aristoc said:

    Thank you Tacchi Alti.  A few comments occasionally, usually from the ladies, but people do notice even with the heels mostly covered. 

    Never had any comments about wearing womens pants or jeans, with or without heels. :cheeky:

    Positive comments?

  10. On 06/09/2016 at 10:44 PM, Rockpup said:

    Got a new pair of work boots. The leather is a little stiff and the wedge is not that high but I've had no issues with anyone noticing anything different :)




    Those look amazing. How high is the heel, if not 6 inches? Is that just the height to the top of the boot? I have some boots with hidden heels about 4 inches. They aren't so nice to wear as other heels but they allow me to wear heels in many circumstances when a real heel might not be a good idea!

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