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Tacchi Alti

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Posts posted by Tacchi Alti

  1. People here must have better eyes than me, as I could hardly see the heels - there was only a fleeting glimpse before other people got in the way of the camera. I agree about the coordinated look but I admire him for going out in those heels in the first place. I am amused often by ladies who wear what they probably think of as high heels and who can't seem to straighten their knees. I saw one a couple of days ago with heels which couldn't have been more than 4 inches, with a 1 inch platform, and she looked pitiful. I was so tempted to go up to her and offer lessons!!

  2. Well done. Move onwards and upwards - in more ways than one! Do they celebrate Halloween in Mexico? I know most Americans hoot and haunt and party that evening, but maybe it's not the same with you. If it is, make the most of it and go out in your highest heels. You never know who you might meet who loves the look. Oh, I don't mean that you should necessarily wait till then!! Just that's it's a prime opportunity.

  3. It is Wednesday night and I am down at site. I go back home tomorrow afternoon. I was mostly over my cold by Monday. Maybe heels do have some magical powers for curing colds :)

    Thanks to everyone for all your replies when I was bored at home on Saturday.


    They cure a lot of things! I'm by myself in the office today so am happy pottering around in heels - so much more fun.

    Glad to know you're better.

  4. I work in a small automotive repair shop. I did get a couple of pictures, just don't have my camera with me today. I'll try to remember to bring it in with me tomorrow.

    Are you out working on vehicles or based in the office? I'm intrigued, and look forward to the pictures. Are you going to 'forget' to wear flat shoes from now on? Well done in losing the bet!

  5. Only if you're British. if you're American "different than" is a standard usage. "Different to" is also used. http://alt-usage-english.org/excerpts/fxdiffer.html

    I think you'll find the document you cite shows only oral 30% usage and 7% written usage for 'different than' in the USA, so 'standard usage' is rather an exaggeration. I'm reminded of George Bernard Shaw's oft-quoted remark: "England and America are two countries divided by a common language."

    Anyway, this is way off topic, as Roniheels has gently reminded us, and we must accept that your opinion differs than mine. :)

  6. Glad you're feeling better, but also glad you were confident enough of sympathy to post here. I hope you were cheered up and also hope work won't be too tedious! Do you not normally work on Mondays, or are you taking a sicky? I suppose ice cream is on the menu for you more now, with spring springing. It's autumn here, but we've had some amazingly warm weather over the last few days. I even got my shorts out, having, as I thought, consigned them to the drawer for six months or more. Mind you, probably the temperatures here (22-23 C) are not far above what you normally get in winter!

  7. I agree with PiB, in particular I was amused by the novel use of the word "Endless" a few posts back. However, before casting stones, PiB might wish to take a careful look at those two hyphens in her own post:smile: Actually she's in good company, you see a lot of phantom hyphens in many publications. I think it's due to problems with auto-hyphenation algorithms when transferring text between different bits of software.

    That's a very gracious excuse for her! I'm a proof-reader (or was, anyway), so things like that tend to come and hit me in the face, as do their authors when I protest. I have the greatest admiration for all those from non-English-speaking countries who post here. Their English is generally far better than my French or German would be, and I spent nine months in France rather a long time ago.

    I realise not everyone has the ability to write and spell correctly, and I think we need to be very careful before we criticise others. Different persons have different talents. For example, I'm absolutely useless at drawing, but I'm sure many here can draw really well. In addition, English has not been taught properly in schools in the UK for quite a few years, so I think people have a very good excuse for incorrect spelling, grammar and punctuation. Indeed, *I* wasn't taught English grammar. I picked it up only through learning other languages and seeing the structure of sentences.

    What we have in common is a love for high heels, and we don't want to put anyone off who would fear being laughed at for writing less-than-perfect English. After all, isn't one of our biggest fears being laughed at for wearing heels?

    Funnily enough, I started this post intending to criticise txtspk, but now I'm not so sure, as it's a product of our society. However, we owe it to everyone to make our posts reasonably intelligible - if we want others to read them, of course!

  8. Well I'm not surprised, especially with stilettos and hairy legs.

    Now then, Amanda, how do you know about the hairy legs? Hotline to Charlie's wife? Anyway, didn't you know it's one of our last bastions? The hair collects the mud from the goalmouth and helps to clog up the showers.

  9. All

    First saw these a while ago and shortly after saw a woman in a pair in the street; I don't think the picture does them many favours but think they look better in the flesh but at £70 couldn't justify them

    Happened to do a search on the Office website earlier in the week only to discover they were now down to £20; then saw the same woman in them on Tuesday; well serendipity of course, especially as I find myself out of a burgeoning relationship, I bought a pair to console myself.


    Will post pictures once they've arrived.


    Possibly along with a pair of the Zara platforms that Bladerunner picked up; http://www.hhplace.org/everybody/20601-zara_come_up_trumps.html

    My preference is something like this, but then if we were all the same there wouldn't be so many styles available.


  10. ..........real men....

    Hmmm, they were obviously transfixed by your presence! :)

    What lyrics, too!

    Now I see your role models I have a greater insight into what makes you tick, or flea, or bedbug.

    OK, don't take me seriously, but for ljhh, I know it's a serious matter at present. Most of us have been through it, and you feel almost suicidal at the time. I say almost, because if we were really suicidal we wouldn't be here now...

    If there was real chemistry between you, you may well get back together, but whatever happens, remember that grieving is normal in anyone with feelings, so you must be a really nice person. That will show when you get into another relationship, and who knows, she might not only give you her footwear but take you shoe shopping!

  11. Well done, not just for getting your 5" heels but also for trying them on in the shop. That's a major hurdle for most of us. The simple answer for walking in them - practice, practice! Also, there are Youtube clips (amongst other Internet resources) which give advice and also show people walking effortlessly in them. In addition, of course, there are hundreds of us here who can give advice and practical experience.

  12. just finished to re-upload the first vid i made here

    and a new vid made this week here

    yes, this is the same dog in the two vid ^^

    Great boots, and you walk really well in them. I particularly like the effect in your longest video where you have the sun coming from the side, showing off your heels in the shadow.

  13. Mr. X,

    Very nice outfit and pretty high heels. Is it really that cold already where you are at? Where I live, it looked like Autumn was finally here. But today it got up to 90 degrees. The high yesterday was 70. Oh well, I'm happy you had a nice outing and many more good outings to you!

    Perhaps he's using that new-fangled thing called centigrade that they seem to use in most countries now. Most inconvenient, when we all know that water freezes at 32 degrees. The only time the new system is right is at minus 40, and I wouldn't want to venture far in heels at that temperature.

  14. Having said that, I went to a fetish club a number of years ago and the only guys wearing heels were drag-queens and transvestites.. When I went more recently, I was found that about half the guys were in heels to compliment male fetish outfits. Therefore heels are getting more popular for men.

    I'm intrigued and gratified about the change, but a question comes to mind: what are male fetish outfits like? Excuse my ignorance.

    And yes, that's a good question about the sizes of the shoes as it might be some indicator of the real percentage of male heel wearers rather than just purchasers/victims of hijacked accounts. This would of course give an indication only of purchases by/for persons with larger feet, although it would be an interesting start. I take a UK 8 so might slip through the net.

  15. I just thought you came down a bit hard on him, and you may notice that, while he is not the most prolific of contributors, he has made only one post since May although he logs on fairly regularly. I hope he hasn't been put off. White space is, of course, very valuable to make text more readable, but in books this is done not by putting a blank line between paragraphs but by adjusting the overall layout. The typeface size is also something easily adjustable at this stage. However, my feeling is that while such considerations are important for professional publishing, about which I have a fair bit of experience, it is a bit cruel to berate a contributor to this forum for his presentation. You could have toned down your message or even sent him a private message if you felt that strongly about it. Regarding the phrase I quoted, 'well worthwhile' is correct, 'tidying-up' is debatable, but 'is' with a plural noun (minutes) is unforgivable when you're criticising someone else's composition! Anyway, I've now aired my opinion from the comfort and safety of my computer chair, and I 'ope I ain't made two many missteaks in me Inglish. :) Let's lay this to rest. Have a nice day, and enjoy your heels.

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