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Posts posted by Foxyheels

  1. If you mean by 'cocky' being satisfied you have had the courage to be yourself and wear the shoes you want despite society's general consensus that us men should not, then yes I am. i love the feeling of doing as I wish. I will admit I like doing things that are not expected but with heels it genuinely is a desire to wear shoes I think look fantastic and why should I miss out.

  2. Fortunately this is never going to be an issue with MrsF so I can only answer based on having to meet someone new and it would be an easy answer, she would have to accept my lov of heels or the relationship would never start.

  3. I'd be most put out if a chap was more interested in my clothes than me. And he should just accept that I've got it right ;) An outfit for each task? Wouldn't I need a phonebox to change in?

    Megan a woman could wear the sexiest outfit and the most gorgeous high heels but if she wasn't a nice person it woul negate the effect. It's ALL about the lady herself that makes her beautiful and desirable. Clothes and make up can make a woman look nice but the true beauty comes from within.

  4. Saw some boots I liked on line and checked they had them in stock in a store near me in my size http://deichmann.scene7.com/is/image/deichmann/t_p_detail_zoom?$im=1111113_P&$sh=1111113_P&defaultImage=default_dsdj So off I Went this morning to the store and to my dismay they didn't have my size, a very standard UK 8 that I am. However recently I have noticed red generally that a women's size 8 fits me a whole lot better than years gone by with some even verging on too big. So they had a size 7 and I saw no harm in giving them a try. They fit perfectly and are nice and snug without being too tight. It clearly emphasises the advice given on here to try them on, the shop was quite busy as you would imagine in a city centre shopping centre but nobody took any notice what so ever. I have a lovely new pair of ankle boots and they are slightly higher and slimmer heels than I would street heel in but I might see if they are suitable and look right with what I wear and my body type.

  5. I am very fortunate to have a wonderful wife that does everything mentioned. Going where ever in 4" heels is quite common and so far no issues. Went to see a film the othe day in the afternoon with MrsF and my 14 year old lad with no issues either. It does seem to get easier the more you do it.

  6. Ilikekicks, you are right I would be offended by any homophobic or racist slurs against people, that's why I very much welcome legislation to prevent, deter and deal with the sort of people that would use their right to free speech to promote homophobic and racist views. Yes I do use offensive words to describe this type of person, they care nothing for the feelings of anyone they think is different to their normal and it makes me smile that things have turned full circle and they are the ones who have to hide their views and prejudices. You have to remember not everyone is as extrovert ad confident as ourselves, many need protection and the law provides that. I am clearly not a supporter of maintaining people's right to do as they wish no matter what and believe we should have certain restrictions on our rights. We are not going to agree on that point. Peace to you also, I won't take offence against someone who has a differing opinion to me especially when presented as articulately as you present yours.

  7. I stand by supporting legislation that enforces people to be tolerant and consequently reduces discrimination giving those minority groups a chance to be themselves. If some bigots have to surpress their views and be tolerant of something then tough on them. If I had gone out in the heels I wear today 30 years ago I undoubtedly would have received numerous negative comments and almost certainy faced physical attack as it was easy to get away with without the current legislation we have. Society has moved forward greatly since I was a teenager and if that in some part has been forced by legislation then good, long may it continue.

  8. Clearly I agree with Ritchie as he quoted my post but I do believe that the very legislation that forces people to tolerate me wearing heels does over time, by default, mean that more people actually accept it. Homosexuality has been lawful for a long time but is clearly more accepted rather than tolerated than 20 years ago. Familiarity with something reduces the impact and effect and it does become the norm. Men in heels would need a whole lot more of us to gain the same kind of momentum as this so tolerance is what we will have and that will do nicely. I personally have a character of extreme contrasts so that means people expect the unexpected and do accept me wearing heels as they consider it part of my quirky character and I get away with things that others wouldn't. We expect to have eccentrics in our country and I will use that as a free ride to get what I want.

  9. My lad is quite shy although he is 6'1" at only 14 so I can't see him going against the normal type of clothing for his age group. However I wouldn't put any restrictions on what he chooses to wear, it's up to him and I would be hypocritical if I did. He knows I wear heels as he often goes out with us when I have my 4" street heeling boots on and it's no issue but he doesn't like my footwear in general as it's 'old men's in his eyes. He only likes them when I wear my Adidas trainers as they are cool.

  10. I find this the most intriguing thread. I feel the question is directed at men, despite it being in the everyone section. Still, it's interesting to know what the men think. Dr Shoe makes a good point elsewhere. Women dress to impress women. If I go out with a chap it's nice to think he's thought about what he's wearing, but I wouldn't like to think he's thought more about his clothes/shoes than he has of me. Beyond that, I wouldn't care.

    Megan I think most women are tolerant of men wearing heels but that number reduces dramatically when it's their own man wanting to wear heels. Women such as my wife are still a rare breed but generally I think the 'live and let live' philosophy is stronger today than ever.

  11. Jeff you are what I call a genuine 'Freestyler' you wear the clothes that make you feel good and attach no gender to them at all. You clearly present as a man who appears comfortable anmd confident regardless of the outfit you wear. I believe this is the attitude that gives you the acceptance you get and reduces the amount of negative comments. You are clearly where a lot of people want to be and chahge other peoples minds about the boundaries of clothing enabling other to follow you. Jeff you are an inspiration to us all and will always be part of HHPlace I'm sure.

  12. Agree with the Dr most women switch to hgher heels once they are anywhere in range of being judged by other women they may know/ associate with. I often take a more comfortable pair of heels with me, the height of the heels are pretty similar around 4'' but dependent on how much I walk I may have to switch to a more chunky heel for comfort.

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