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Posts posted by Foxyheels

  1. A few days ago a new girl at work mentioned that one of the men sat opposite wanted he shoes. I looked and they were pair of black patent brogue style shoes with a low heel. I said to her that he could have them as they were far too low for me. She enquired what I meant and I stated that I normally wore 4" heels to work (It would be one of the that I wore my normal men's shoes as my longer uniform trousers were being laundered.). I explained they were a cowboy boot style and we ad a chat about shoes. Yesterday evening she came walking up to me an said "remember our conversation about boots, well look." she lifted her trouser up and revealed a nice pair of ornate black boots with. Couple of straps and a slim 3" heel. I then lifted up my trouser and revealed my boot and she said "oh no they're higher than mine I'm jealous." It made us both laugh.

  2. MrsF tried the £1 packs from Primark, everyone thinks she has had them done at a nail bar as they look really good and she can afford to take them off the next day. Best of both worlds and very inexpensive.

  3. My hair stylist (young) says i should embelish with some jewelry now and then - even suggested piercing my ears and danlgling earings for my short grey hair. Hummmm. I'm not sure - my preference is to keeps my conservative, business appearance when out, thhough I doubt a some earings or a necklace would do anything more in response that generate an occasional compliment. Bravo.

    Notice my Style icon only wears studs.

    You can't beat dangling earring and nice necklace, you are right about the lack of reaction you will get though.

  4. Been at conference for the last three days in Cardiff, on Thursday I wore a pair of 4" slim but not stiletto heels, bright red waist coat with matching jewellery, some borrowed from Mrs F. Got a lot of double take through the day as a fair bit of the heels were exposed and the rest of my outfit demanded attention. towards the end of the day I was stood with delegates from my own workplace chatting and they were complimenting me on the fact I looked very smart and they appreciated I made an effort. one lad said with a puzzled look " you're not normally that tall how have you grown so quick" He really didn't know and looked at me confused, I raised one of my legs up and said "I've got my heels on so had some Help. "oh" he said and we continued but I had to smile, proves the fact some people don't notice no matter what we do to highlight it. I have to say I had numerous smiles from the ladies during the day and as it was in an old building with a stone floor the give away was the distinctive heel noise, they heard it and confused eyes went down to my feet followed mostly by a smile.

  5. Like the rest of you on this site, I live my life the way I want to. I did not join this site to be judged by people who don't know me. If I need to lie to keep good friends or a partner then I will, they don't need to know about my private life anyway. I don't go around asking my friends what they get up to in the bedroom, then judging them for it. I am, by the way, very happy. I'm self employed, get to do most other things that I like to do eg: camping, wakeboarding, travelling, riding my motorbike, martial arts etc. Sure, I would like it of my partner accepted my heel wearing but she doesn't. I ask you, would you sell yr whole house just because it has a back door you don't like?

    Yes shafted, she's very hard headed & its actually one of the things I like about her. She won't let anything get in the way of what she wants.

    And bubba, ur more than welcome to leave yr judgemental comments on someone else's post, or better yet not at all. Like my mother used to say, "if you got nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all."

    Thanks :-)

    Nobody is judging you and as you have now made your situation absolutely clear I'm sure they will respect the way you live your life. As you say it's your choice and works for you so long may that continue.

    The people making the comments are amongst the most supportive on this site and my experience on here leads me to believe they only wish to elp and support members.

    Your situation works for you so that's great, I think people are just curious that's all.

  6. Its only natural as we are different to most in our love of wearing heels. Self doubt can creep into numerous things we do that's just human nature. It's rare for me now as I feel very comfortable in heels now and practically everyone I associate with knows about it and when all is said and done the doubts are not strong enough to stop me.

  7. Sorry I don't get this one.

    Where is the freedom gone in that sentence?

    Is there only tolerance/acceptance when in fits into you're way you want people to be?

    For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.

    Nelson Mandela

    I believe he's suggsting his own personal opinion can change depending on the way the person presents themself and I can understand that and no law can make him accept or tolerate hat he does not like.

    Laws can't make you tolerate things you dislike but they can punish anyone who takes that personal dislike and harasseses, threats or asaults someone because of their persnal choices whatever they are. That why we need such laws

    Everyone should have the freedom to think what they want and if anyone thinks I'm weird, a freak or anything else because I wear high heels then that's fine it's their opinion. However I am pleased there are laws that stop them having a go at me for being different and unusual (we have to face facts that we are) because some would and quieter more reserved people would suffer and it's xactly this that stops members on here going public. Personally anyone having a go at me would get as good back but I'm no shrinking violet and wouldn't take any crap.

    By the way ILK you have a 25'' waist and a 34'' leg WOW!!!! The smallest men's jeans I've ever seen in a store s 28'' and that's rare so I can understand you have to wear women's styles, you must struggle as MrsF is a UK size 10(which makes her 2'' bigger than you I think) and struggles to get 34'' length even in women's styles.

  8. Here is a funny thing I get more negative comments when wearing my football clubs shirt than when I am ot and about in heels. (For those not from the UK, we have a history of a very small amount of football fans going to matches purely to fight, but this is 20 years ago.) I am instictively considered a trouble maker and people fear me or look down on me as a ignorant thug with low intelligence. The point, as others have made is that some people judge you no matter what you wear so a negative vibe is always likely but overall a man in heels draws no issues. I am still surprised by how little they react and I wear heels very regularly. Ok I don't wear pink 5'' stilettos but they are clearly heels and little or no negative comment ever comes my way.

  9. We are all so diverse in our tastes. I really like platform stilettos, on me and on women. I especially like the concealed platforms. I can't see a woman in those shoes or see them in a shoe store and not look at them. I like classic flat soled stilettos too but I don't look twice at wedges.

    My view exactly just as I would have described my likes.

  10. I have just noticed that this will be my 500th post and close to two years since I first joined High Heel Place. I took time to reflect what has changed in this time. When I first joined I was taking my first outing in public in heels after wearing them in the house for many years and longing to have the freedom my wife enjoys. I had often said to her I wish I could wear heels out and about like you and she would just smile and say it's easy for a girl to wear whatever they want. She, as always was very supportive of anything I do and has never had an issue with me wearing heels. I progressed on to my first nervous outing imagining everyone was looking at me. I wore heels that were too high and inappropriate for my physique and experience and soon realised I had to opt for chunky 3'' heels. I had several trips made with a spare pair of shoes and lost my nerve before getting out of the car but did progress and found it easier and easier to go for longer and in different situations. I began to be able to walk along without having to assess everybody who I pass as to their potential to say or do something negative. I progressed to thinner higher heels and now wear 4'' heels routinely and had that moment when I thought I don't even notice I am wearing heels. So I have to think what legislation has been introduced in the last two years, what shift in the general publics attitude and most important of all what change in male footwear fashion has there been during my transformation from rookie to comfortable heel wearer? The answer to all is pretty much none. Only one thing has changed and that's my attitude, my confidence and my will to wear what I like. I have lost no friends or family, hopefully no respect and in fact have a very interesting discussion point. Numerous people are genuinely pleased for the fact I do what I like to make me happy and negative reaction is minimal. I felt I have achieved what I wanted, I am now seen as a man who wears high heels, I have not lost my masculinity and more so than ever feel people consider me more of a man's man due to my ability to go against the grain. What has helped is the support and inspiration from everyone on here and I thank you all. Here's to the next 500 posts and many more years of heeling.

  11. I'm reluctant to use the word cocky but I do stand taller than most men which is partly attributable to my choice of footwear.

    The word cocky should never be used as a terminology for a lady such as yourself. I have to admit the extra height does have it's advantages especially when you are only 5' 8'' like me although that's not what I wear them for.

  12. Thank goodness she's not trying to please you guys. If anything, she's 'getting by' in them rather well, although crook-legged struts. *shrugs* Then again, you can't exactly please everyone...

    My opinion....she's cute ;)

    Oh don't get me wrong she is very cute and can walk in them but they are of a design that makes it physically near impossible to walk correctly in them an I don't imagine she would wear them out and about other than to film a video.

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