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Posts posted by Foxyheels

  1. No, it means you can be openly gay in the US forces.

    see http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/michaeltomasky/2010/dec/19/us-politics-us-military-dont-ask-dont-tell-repeal for example

    I completely agree that it is the right thing and despite my own pessimistic view on the matter, the end of this article suggests that it has not caused adverse problems in other forces around the world http://www.fyne.co.uk/index.php?item=946

    Seemingly a military ban on homosexuality in UK forces was removed in 2000.


    Thank you for the clarification, so this is an excellent decision. Hopefully numerous members of the american forces will come out now encouraging more to join and show all the bigots that being gay is totally acceptable in today's society. Another move by a society to accepting something that has been ridiculed by many in previous years.
  2. Ok my personal opinion. To not allow a homosexual to be part of the armed forces is ridiculous. Good on the politicians that voted for it to be allowed and take you out of the dark ages. If I read the post right this is now to be repealed so you will no longer be allowed to be homosexual. Again not sure on American law but in the uk there are numerous laws around discrimination (criminal offences for homophobia) and diversity that would never let it happen here. What logic is there to say a homosexual cant be an effective soldier, it baffles me.

  3. I think my first shopping experience (and still the most exciting) was at least 30 years ago. I went into a closeout shoe store and told the two female sales clerks that I was looking for a pair of high heels to wear for a company sales meeting where I had to dress as a prostitute for a skit.

    Well they helped me find this great pair of strappy sandals with about a 4 inch heel. At the sales counter they said they would give me a 10% discount on the shoes if I would try them on and model for them.

    This being my first public venture into a shoe store, I chickened out and paid full price. Here were two attractive clerks prodding me to model the shoes for them and I blew it. Boy do I wish I had the chance to do that one over again. I'm still a bit nervous trying on shoes in stores, but have never been coaxed like that again in 30 years.

    Why don't you try the same routine again and see if it has the same offer?

  4. Isn't it so cool when a woman complements you on the high heels you are wearing? That's when you know it really worth going out in public wearing high heels. Congratulations on your outing.

    Have to say it did make me feel good, if I had my normal shoes on she would have completely ignored me.

  5. Some very good advice on here, I told my wife after I had known her 10 days because I knew she was the one for me, if you know your relationship is strong you should be ok. Most important thing as others have said is the loss of trust if she finds out before you tell her, once th trust goes it is hard to recover. I think as Tech says you have made your mind up all ready and have come to us foraconfidence boost before you actully do it. Hopefully enough of us have encouraged you and given you the impetus to speak to her. Good luck

  6. I am home now and it was an uneventful outing, the shops were very busy and there was a lot of noise so everyone just went about there business and took no notice of me. I had a great time shopping, got some Xmas presents for Mrs F. Only thing that happened was nothing to do with my heels, I bought a PVC outfit and the lovely girls in the shop let me try it on in their staff area away from the shop, very helpful.

  7. As I post this message I am out in high heels on my own for the first time. I have walked from the car and I am now sat in a cafe in a city shopping centre having a nice pot of tea. Nobody has made any comment and I haven't seen anyone stare yet. The fact I am sat down exposes my 3" block heels quite clearly but it doesn't seem to be noticed. I am about to do some shopping now so if anything of note happens I will update in real time depending on if I can get a signal to post a message. Right where's the shoe section in this store?

  8. I can't make any reference to my wearing of heels on FB because all my kids, family and friends will see what I post.

    I did post a pic of myself in heels and a kilt from a charity walk "Walk A Mile In Her Shoes".

    Spot on, I think this would be a common problem for a lot of us.

  9. 'America's Got Talent', 'Britain's Got Talent' and 'The X-Factor' (UK and US) are all effectively one and the same show - albeit slightly different to suit the two Countries. Simon Cowell owns the rights to all of them.

    All of those in the USA will find out what X factor is like as Mr Cowell will be bringing it to your screens very soon.

  10. I still cannot believe how much better everything feels today. Yesterday I felt ashamed as if I was a weird pervert that had to hide my new feelings for fear of being outed as some kind of weird freak of nature. Today I am just a bloke that likes shoes. All of my problems were in my own mind. I also think all the guilt and bad feelings was from the fact I was hiding it from my girlfriend rather than liking a different style of shoe than is considered the norm.

    Anyway thanks again guys I am now back to being me.

    So pleased for you that your girlfriend understands, you are exactly right when you say you are just a man who likes high heeled shoes. There are more of us than you think and most of us are very hetro with loving wifes and girlfriends. Carry on as normal and enjoy your shopping at the weekend and let us know how you get on.

    As you live in the UK you night want to try New Look or Primark for numerous styles of reasonable priced heels at a good hight for your first pair and at size 7 they will be very easy to get.

  11. Congratulations on your public debut. I was riveted by your recount of the adventure and think I held my breath until I was finished reading all the chapters. Your story gives me hope that I can one day do something of the like. Mrs F is clearly a wonderful woman and you are both great parents as well. All the best. I hope to hear more adventures in the future. And, I do really love the shoes you wore on the outing.....


    Thanks for your comments and please believe you will do it one day. I never thought I would but this forum helped me realise it all about the way you feel and the confidence to overcome the worry of what others think.

  12. I'm sure the people that monitor London's thousands of street cameras also love Oxford Street as they get to watch the spectacle unfold. Don't think I get ever get used to the density of cameras that they have there. My question is does Oxford Street afford men the environment to wear their heels as well or is that just wishful thinking??


    It was fine when I went, everyone too busy to notice me.

  13. Use my Iphone to access the site all the time, I am typing this message using it. Best phone I've ever had. I don't know anyone who doesn't love their iPhone and it amazes me whatyou can do on it like set my sky box to record remotely. IPhones have been around a while now in different stages but no other phone has come near it when in general any phone is usually bettered within months of release.

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