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Posts posted by Foxyheels

  1. Hi I am one of the lucky ones :silly: At my work they do what is called diversity where you can wear what you want to as long as it DOES NOT AFFEND anyone. So I have been wearing, 4inch plus and last week for a day 5.5 inch NO PLATFORM high heels to work every day for 2 years. The first few months it had been really stressful, to which point I nearly gave up (it was not the comments but the looks) , but now I would not look back, and now people say I look strange in trainers J, also the company did a conference in a hotel and I was going to change into my trainers and one of the nicest managers said why so I left my 4.5 inch heels on and walked to and from the hotel even through the foyer , what a DREAM;-). Also all the mangers i have had has been Very Very supportive and i really thank them ALL !! Also i would like thank all my freinds at work as well who are really great with what i am doing.! ALL I CAN SAY IS IF YOU WANT TO DO IT, JUST DO IT AS YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN !!!. Thanks for reading.

    My workplace also celebrates diversity but I wear a uniform and as part of the dress standards shoes must be black with a low modest heel even for the girls so normal shoes for me as I only like high heels.

  2. It means the real heel height is 4'' as the shoes have a exposed or hidden front platform sole so the front of your foot is 1.5'' off the ground. The apearance is of an extreme high heel but the reality is you are walking in a 4'' heel which makes it very popular with ladies as more of them can manage to walk in the higher looking heel in more comfort. Some people don't like platforms and prefer pure heel height shoes. Originally platform shoes were mostly associated with pole dancers and the like but fashion has changed this making them mainstream and rather than the first ones which looked obviously expoesed most now are designed to reduce the effect of the platform or hide it completely. Aldo are a very reasonable supplier of decent heels but I think most people will tell you their sizing is quite small.

  3. I think younger girls wear very high heeled shoes more commonly nowadays than just as 'going out shoes'. I think it's quite normal now to spot one or two seriously high shoes whenever I go out during any time of the day and in most places such as supermarkets, coffee shops, shopping centres. I welcome this change as it brightens up the average day. MrsF wears them all the time and everywhere she goes. She used to get the most comments when she wore her 5'' heels every week standing at the side of a muddy football pitch when my son played football for a local under 10's team. All the other women would wear wellies but not my MrsF.

  4. Would be happy with a London meet obviously depending on time and date, like bladerunner day time would be better for me. Anyone who wish to go clubing could still go later on but would not rule it out completely for me, as I say does depend on date.

  5. @HeelsGood:

    Yes, I think it is normal. It has always been that way. Up to the fifties, pants were a no-go area for women. Earrings for men were 'not done' for men until the 90s. And so it has always been. People have always been afraid of things different from what they're used to. And then, some people keep trying one thing different from the norm and other people start thinking: "Hey that's actually pretty cool!" Just look at earrings, and recently decolleté shirts for men (which I think don't look that great), or pink and purple colours. Or those very wide, low-crotch pants for women (hideous, IMO, and fortunately I don't see those very often).

    Can't blame the crowds, really, however strange it is.

    But aforementioned changes of course do give some hope for us heel-wearing men.


    I have always worn yellow, pink and other bright coloured shirts, always got comment 30 years ago but now it's rare for anyone to say anything so you are right hope for things to change. But I say why wait for others to catch us up.
  6. The points made about people not going outside of the 'norm' are very true. I live most of my life in these normal groups and hopefully I am liked and respected within these groups. I do however hate being a 'sheep' and following what is expected so my behaviour often goes well outside what is expected and it's a strange experience watching those present becoming uncomfortable with a friend and fellow group member breaking the rules. I often see them struggle with the fact that I, as part of their group, am breaking the rules. If it had been someone outside of the group doing the same they would certainly had made a negative comment, ridicule the offender or even confront them letting them know it wasn't acceptable. An example of this was me suggested I am going to have both ears peirced to some of my drinking buddies. Their response was that I must be winding them up and I was bought a 'sex on the beach' cocktail to drink as obviously I had become a girl for thinking like that. The thing is though they quickly got over it and I remain one of the macho lads and will be accepted still with both my ears pierced. So my point is we can make changes to the normal, I'm not suggesting if I walked into the pub in my 5'' red boots they would instantly take to it and accept me but little by little we need to update the normal. By the way I got my ears done today, I have to wait six weeks till I can remove the modest studs I have in and change them to much more adventurous sytles but I imagine even the ones I have in at the moment will attract some comment when I return to work on Friday.

  7. I think it's probably a combination of things. Women like tall men so you fit the bill at 6'3". They also love confident men and wearing heels in public needs a lot of confidence, I expect women see this as a confident man comfortable with who he is and not afraid to show it. Women also like men who are not frightened to show a softer more feminine side and again man in heels fits the bill. Finally there is always an attraction to the person who is a bit edgy/ different as it provides an element of mystery and excitement. These are my personal views from my experience with women, the ladies on this forum may tell you different things and I would obviously bow to their more informed female point of view.

  8. I finally got brave enough to buy some CBR hoops, 18 gauge. Getting them in was a little tricky, but they fit well enough. I've been wearing them for about a week now, and haven't taken them out once. The girl at Piercing Pagoda thought they looked cool, and I haven't had any strange looks at work. I thought sleeping with them might be tricky, but compared to some of my other earrings, there's really nothing to snag on.

    I guess if anyone else is considering piercing their ears, I'd say go for it. I have no regrets :silly:.

    Hoping to get mine done next week, I intend to wear earrings that males would not normally wear in normal male attire, all in the cause to stretch the acceptable to society of course.

  9. Updated my avatar to me in 'man in heels' mode with MrsF being MrsF. I would wear the clothes out but with more conservative heels in full male mode. Hopefullly more similar pictures to follow when we get the time celebrating MrsF being a gorgeous girl and me being a male who likes to wear high heels (hopefully looking co-ordinated).

  10. For those who have made genorous comments about my pictures, thank you but please my intention is not to change the make up of this site or challenge any of the mods. I posted the pictures, Tech has advised me and I take that advice fare and square and will only be posting appropriate pictures in the future. If there are any it will be of a bloke in heels who is pleased with an appearance of male attire and sexy shoes and hopefully has enough fashion sense to carry the look off. Oh and by the eay for those who thought I looked slim, I love you, but the reality is I am not, I have short stocky legs. the cut of womens clothes is far more generous to my physique tham male attire especially 'female' jeans and of course the high heels give the effect of lengthening my legs and bringing them into a nice proportion. Once again my apologies to the mods, it wont happen again.:silly:

  11. Thanks for the comments, Tech I respect and value your input so will ensure photo content is man in high heels from now on except for pictures of MrsF of course. I understand the idea behind the website and would like nothing more than being able to freely strut around in the highest of heels as a man having the fashion freedom to break down the barriers against us. My ultimate wish would be to present myself as a macho man who wears high heels. I truly do love high heels as a fashion item believing they look damn good on anyone male or female. The thread was meant as a bit of fun but if I have offended anyone then I apologise. MrsF accepts me as a man who likes to wear high heels and sometimes womens clothes but she would tell you there is nothing feminine about me so I guess I don't even conform with the TV / CD model. I do look at TV / CD sites but don't like being referred to as a girl cause I'm not. Certainly don't want this site to change so careful thought to any future pictures.

  12. I had a day off work today and MrsF only has to work a half day. Now these don't come around as often as I like but when they do I always have heels on when she comes home and we spend a couple of quality hours together doing basically nothing. As it's been a while I thought I would put on an outfit with my shoes and surprise MrsF.

    when she got home I opened the door and she looked at me and walked in without batting an eylid. We had a lovely quiet afternoon and I enjoyed the feeling of wearing my outfit and shoes.

    Before we settled down I asked if MrsF would take some pictures for HHP and she obliged.






    Sorry they are on the side but MrsF took them longways to fit me all in and I would have lost quality in the pcture by spining them upright.

    Also to Nigel and Tech would ths type of picture be suitable for a gallery album?

  13. Yes a few, generally younger than me. Also as I have short stocky legs I often buy womens boot cut or skinney flare jeans to give the 'leg lengthening' effect. I also ware women's stretchy boxers as I find them more comfortable than mens. This has nothing to do with heel wearing just personal preference and is worn with traditional male attire. Also been known to wear tights (hose) on cold nights at winter fixture football matches under my trousers.

  14. Hi Malinheels I met MrsF when a co worker (female) asked if she come out on a night out with me and my male friends. I said yes and she asked if her friend could come. She told me MrsF was married so I was polite to her during the night out but didn't take that much notice as I was mainly with the lads, of course we ensured the two girls were ok. We went out about two weeks later, same group of people and my friend told me that MrsF, although still married was in fact separated from Her husband, during the evening I spoke to MrsF quite a bit and things began to click. She was a mad fanatical supporter of my beloved football club, she liked wearing high heels and short skirts and as the evening progressed I began to realise what a lovely girl she was. We went out the following week for the third time and this time we knew we liked each other, by the end of the evening we were officially a couple. At this point I was happy to have a girlfriend but as I had only split up with my wife of 17 years a few months before it was my intention to have some fun and not to get into a serious relationship for a while. However, after only a few days I knew there was something special about MrsF so I told her about my love of heels and that I would like her to wear extremely high heels, she obliged without hesitation. After 10 days I though ok be honest from from the start and nervously told her I liked wearing heels as well. She told me it wasn't a problem and told me she loved me. We went shopping for heels for both of us two days later and so began my relationship with my perfect girl.

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