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Status Updates posted by Bubba136

  1. Hi! I am not a "Mod" and you've done nothing wrong. There is a short waiting time between the time you register your memership and when you are able to access and use all of the features of the forum. I think the features become available after your fifth (5th) post. So, be patient and continue to post comments. Glad to have you as a member.

  2. How y'doing Dean?

  3. Congratulations! Unless you wear the exact same size as your wife, I would suggest that if you are going to continue to wearing high heels, you get a pair of your own because if you don't wear the same size, you are going to alter the fit of her shoes and she will eventually notice that they don't fit the same was as they used to. Even if you aren't going to continue, it might be a good thing to get a pair that fit you correctly in case you ever have the desire to try wearing them again. Thanks for your note. if you check the faqs again, I believe you will find that you have to have a specific number of post before you can post pictures. I can't remember the number needed, but it isn't many.

  4. Hi Stacey! Nice to see you again.

  5. Glad to see you back. Looking forward to reading of your (and your wife's) adventures.

  6. Hey, I feel the same way at times. But I can't keep my mouth shut. Miss your contributions. Wish you would chime in from time to time.

  7. Thanks for your note. I usually wear a US Woman's size 10 1/2 shoe. My wife ordered size 11 because they don't sell them in a 10 1/2. These shoes fit me pretty well. Loose enough to be comfortable but not so loose as to be sloppy on my feet. The elastic gore keeps them snug on my feet. They are easy to wear. They are on clearance at the moment so you can get them for less than the price my wife paid.

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