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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2024 in Posts

  1. Hi All, I just ordered the JS Devalyn sandal which is basically a slingback version of the very popular Dany sandal that has been around since at least 2010. It should arrive in AZ about the time I fly back by the end of this week. The Dany looks and feels great but takes a bit to put on. A slingback offers a much faster on and off experience. I have some new flare jeans as a Xmas gift which should pair well with these sandals. I hope to post some photos once I get them since I haven't posted in a while and don't know if it's gotten any easier than before. I know sizing was always an issue for me as my phone wants to make everything way too large a file. We'll see. Until then Heels Up!! HinH
    1 point
  2. The common denominator here seems to be numerous members have gone about their business with basically no issues. People look, or look twice, but they have eyeballs which can't be controlled. "Show me your eyes and I'll show you my heels" could be a good-natured way of looking at it. There are probably as many not so open minded people in cities as there may be in rural areas but the recurring theme in all these stories is nobody is having any issues of any meaningful importance. Let's see here we have one instance of mlroseplant getting yelled at by a passing truck. I'll hazard a guess at a profile: low esteem, low IQ, and probably low probability of amounting to anything meaningful in this lifetime. People like this don't have the vocabulary, or the stones, to insult you standing still within arm's length. Just a part of the background I suppose. You are an idea my friend and "ideas are bulletproof" to quote Mr. Dantes. HinH
    1 point
  3. Shoes that I wished were better made. These are close to being great heels. Just know if I wear these the heels will fail tips forward. Too bad, they are comfortable and great looking
    1 point
  4. ASOS boots. These are comfortable, I did however have to "fix" the heel height. I added a 1/4" or 6mm insert on the heel to balance the height other wise the heel was leaning tip foward towards the toes. This condition wouldn't have lasted very long while wearing as my weight would have been off center just standing much less walking. The insert brings the height to 4 & 7/8" or 121 mm. Easy walking almost lowish. Took them for a walk to Walmart for supplies this morning, no issues. Do love the metal (Allen screw) heel to cement floor sound. Hope all had a grood Christmas and all will have a great new year, Joe.
    1 point
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