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Update on World Heel Meet 2009: date TBA


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originally posted By Kneehighs

Hello fellow Heel Meet Enthusiasts,

I thought everyone here deserved an update on the plans for the

World Heel Meet 2009.

Is there going to be a World Heel Meet 2009? Yes!

When will it be? Well, that's the tough part right now. I have

obligations to attend London Fashion Week events, so it will be held the Saturday before or the Saturday after London Fashion Week in Feb. 2009. The British Fashion Council hasn't officially set a date yet for the Feb. 2009 shows, and has informed me that an iron clad date won't be set until September of 2008.

Is it going to be in London again? Why not somewhere else?

It is going to be in London again and not Berlin, or Rome, or New York. London is Europe's global capital. It's easily and cheaply accessed by all in Europe. As well, it caters to a large part of hhplace's membership which is based out of England.

Why do you keep doing this? Because I believe in giving to society. I hate to see guys afraid of being themselves because of their particular taste in shoes. And one of the best ways of bringing people out of the closet is to create for them a setting where it is safe for them to be themselves and where they can experience "power in numbers".

Anything else to add? Not right now, just mark a space in your calendars for the Feb. 2009 World Heel Meet and watch hhplace for a specific thread posting on the matter! :o

Please keep this thread about the heel meet only. I am sure Kneehighs will update you all about the organisers as soon as he can.



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Well no doubt many here have head about the problem London Fashion Week has had? It turns out that for the upcoming Feb shows, London Fashion Week is only going to be 4 days long. The main reason is that New York is extending their Fashion Week by a day, which cuts into London Fashion Week's week long slot during fashion month. To maintain their slot position during fashion month, the British Fashion Council has agreed to the 4 day compromise. Regarding the real reason: they shortened Milan Fashion Week by two days in the past for Anna Wintour and now apparently, the real reason they are shortening London Fashion Week is because Anna Wintour doesn't buy or pull clothes from current London Fashion Week designer's list, so her priority isn't to cater to their schedule. Must be nice to be ruler of the fashion world. Specific date for WHM 2009 coming up.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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