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Grocery Shopping


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Sunday morning, it was, and my girlfriend wanted to go grocery shopping. We drove to town, where there was a big, one day sales promotion, at a large supermarket. I was wearing denim short shorts and a black T-shirt, and 4" stacked heel, open toe sandals. Two pairs of small silver hoop earrings, and bright, sparkly fuschia manicure and pedicure. At the supermarket, while with my girlfriend, I was a approached by a cute, young blonde woman. "You are awesome!" she exclaimed. "And your calf muscles are BULGING!" My girlfriend has become accustomed to strange women walking up to tell me how cute I am, and we had a good laugh about it. She thinks that these women want me, though. I will repeat that I am not now, and have never really been cute. The thing is, though, that when I put on a flirty pair of shoes, and a cute little outfit, that women are all over me, like flies on shit. Rather than my being accosted, threatened, bullied, or condemned, pretty young women are constantly approaching me, giving me compliments, and initiating conversations. I believe that women are genuinely attracted to the dressed up, decorated man, and my experiences seem to support this hypothesis. Is this happening to any other of the male readers?

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when the best beef,s on the top shelf, then the steaks r high.... Heard about the instore baker who bakes shoes with his bread? He likes them to rise to the occasion... Or the freezer department manager who was gonna wear heels to work? He got cold feet.... Or lastly, the pharmaceutical department manager, who, when anyone asked his advice, always told people to buy a pair of high heels. He was a great believer in patent medicine....

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another plus about grocery shopping... Wesr your new heels, and break them in cos uve always got the cart to hang on to ! I find it hilarious when the necks go round 2 get a second look ! Go at 930 pm and u'll get the reductions and also the singles if you need....

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