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Unexpected place to see heels

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Last weekend the wife and I went to the dragstrip to watch the cars run the quarter mile. I had some friends running their cars so I wanted to see how fast they really were vs. what they say. We had a good time watching the muscle cars just crush the tuners (jap. cars that just whine). Nothing like the groung shaking with raw horsepower. Anyway like most people do, we needed some food and drinks, since you can't bring your own you go to the concession stand and wait in a long and slow moving line. I volunteered to go. Once in line I was still listening to the cars run and looked in front of me to see a nice looking woman. First thought was no big deal guys bring their girls for numerous reasons. My wife just really likes to see the cars, and hear them run. With my attention now diverted I was curious, what was she wearing...well you guessed it she was wearing heels and not just any heels. These bad boys were an easy 5 inch stiletto heel with a lizard print, no platform. The heels tapered almost to needle point. She had to have good balance due to the fact that there is no pavement or concrete anywhere other than the track. The stands, parking, staging, everything is loose rock like a lot of people have in their driveways. This is not easy stuff to walk on in sneakers much less heels. I was very impressed to see her walk in those heels. Lighting is not all that well so I don't have more description of the heels, sorry to say. Needless to say that made the night for me. The cars were good but those heels did it for me. :roll: HH4Wolf


It's always nice to see heels where you least expect them... especially such gorgeous ones!

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.


Years ago, when the weather had finally turned nice and the car washes bcame full, I saw a young woman washing her car will wearing what looked like to be 4" or 5" stiletto heels...while washing her car. I thought it was odd but I enjoyed the view.:roll:


I have a few places that I wore heels too myself and now that I think of it, there were some pretty unusual places. I did a few out of dares for my X BF. My X BF dared me to wear a pair of 5" white strappy Pleaser stiletto heels with pair of white low-hip jeans I had. I took him up on it since he promised me a nice shopping trip afterwards. He dared me to wear them to my dentist appointment! I thought about it for a while then my guts took over and I took his dare. I got a few looks from the dentist and even more from his assistant as my bare feet plainly shown in those heels sitting there on the dentists chair, with my legs out. They especially shown when he adjusted the chair I was sitting in back with my head lower so he could see better in my mouth and when he adjusted the chair to make me more lying down, it kind of pulled my jeans up to show more of the wild heels I had on. The best part was when I was done and my X BF was in the waiting room afterwards, where I left him, and he said he was imagining me back there all that time with them on....hehehe

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  Adeana said:

I have a few places that I wore heels too myself and now that I think of it, there were some pretty unusual places. I did a few out of dares for my X BF. My X BF dared me to wear a pair of 5" white strappy Pleaser stiletto heels with pair of white low-hip jeans I had. I took him up on it since he promised me a nice shopping trip afterwards.

He dared me to wear them to my dentist appointment! I thought about it for a while then my guts took over and I took his dare. I got a few looks from the dentist and even more from his assistant as my bare feet plainly shown in those heels sitting there on the dentists chair, with my legs out. They especially shown when he adjusted the chair I was sitting in back with my head lower so he could see better in my mouth and when he adjusted the chair to make me more lying down, it kind of pulled my jeans up to show more of the wild heels I had on.

The best part was when I was done and my X BF was in the waiting room afterwards, where I left him, and he said he was imagining me back there all that time with them on....hehehe


I can't stop grinning as I picture in my mind your experience with the dentist. Did the dentist or his assistant comment on your attire or your high heels at all during your exam?:roll:


The assistant said 'wow...nice shoes'..and that was all she said...hehe...The dentist said nothing, but I can tell there was an interest. Iam also glad all my dental work went well!

Does anyone ever Email anymore? Send me one! I like to chat!

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