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my story about shoes

t-strap lover

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I've noticed a lot of comments about why men wear high heels and what catagory they should be put in. I'll tell my story and let you decide for yourself where I belong. Since I was about five years old I new I was fascinated by womens shoes. I grew up being around several Aunts and female friends of my Mother. They would dress up on Friday or Saturday night to go out on the town. This was in the early 50's. Setting around the house waited to leave, there was me. Little Johnny rolling his toy car on the floor next to all those pretty young women not knowing I was admiring their heels that I was so much attracted too. I don't remember any sexual attraction to womens shoes then or for years to come. I knew only that I really liked womens shoes more than anything else. When I became a teenager in the 60's I began to try on and wear in private, womens heels. those only in my home or at relatives home. I believe then the great feeling I had when wearing heels. Was it sexual? Probably so. Was it just the pleasure I got from wearing them? Yes it was. Was it a fetish? No. A fetish is worship of an object. I don't know why that word was attached to people who like wearing high heels. After joining the army my attraction to heels was put off for a couple of years. No women or shoes where I was. Only combat boots. No turn on there. I got married at the ripe old age of 19. My new wife was also 19. I didn't reveal my desire for heels to her for several months. She did know I liked for her to wear heels. Only problem was she wore a size 4. In the late 60's and early 70's that size in a pretty shoe was very hard to come by. Most shoes stores in those day's thought women only wore 6,7,8 or 9. so she was limited to mostly flat plain shoes. After I got out of the service we moved to a mid size city. Amarillo Texas. We're driving around this new place we've come to live in and come upon this really large building with hundreds of cars parked all around it, What is this? Its called a Mall! WOW!!. We go inside and see all these stores under one roof. Talk about the country boy coming to town for the first time. Thats how I felt. We come to a shoe store. The name is Bakers. The show window has all these really sexy high heels. We pick out a pair and ask the salesperson, do you have this in a 4? He brings back these great shoes in a 4. This is a first. I bought them for my wife and more for years after that. At that time I was not wearing heels myself. I didn't have the nerve to bring up the subject plus there wasn't anything out there in my size. Like a lot of others on this site. She would wear them around the house and in bed if I asked. It was a great turn on. When I did get the nerve later on to ask if I could purchase a pair of heels for myself it became a long and hard time for me. She didn't accept it at first but came around to it after several months. This was in the late 70's to early 80's. Even then my size could not be found. I had to rely on a size 10 open toe sling back. Those shoes fit terrible but I was determaned to wear them for a few minutes whenever I could. Later on you all know how things opened up for us when the internet came along. Now I have a very large collection of heels. I retired at age 55 and can wear my shoes all day long. My wife will buy me a pair sometimes. I'm not a crossdresser and don't condemn those that are. I'm not gay and don't condemn those that are. For all of you men out there that enjoy womens shoes, go for it with your hearts desire for whatever way you choose.

t-straps are my favorite style.

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T-strap... Thank you for sharing your story. I, too, am a heterosexual male (age 54) who does not cross dress, and have nothing against anyone who does, who enjoys wearing high heels. It is also encouraging that your wife is positive about you wearing high heels. There are several males at this website who have wives or significant others that not only accept them wearing high heels, but wear high heels with them. Thank you for sharing your story with us.:roll:

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t-strap lover, I can relate to your story quite well, for I haven't known a time when I didn't have a yearning to wear "feminine" shoes. There have been times when I tried to follow the social attitude and put them out of my mind or resist wearing them, but that only made me want to wear them more intensely. It's too bad that society doesn't recognize these type of yearnings from males. They think only females have these feelings and when males exhibit these kind of feelings, the males are marked as deranged or perverted. Let's keep heelin' so we can prove society doesn't know what it's talking about and soon our thoughts can be freed to consider more than the importance of our footwear. Yes we will be able to possibly help people, environment, or world to a better solution than what seams to be the answers we're stuck with now.

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T-strap lover's story is the same as mine except that I didn't get acceptance from my first wife until after we separated.


Then your story is the same as mine. And in my case more tolerance, than acceptance.

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