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Hello all,

I found this site when I was searching for online high heel sellers and I have enjoyed looking around it and seeing how many other men like wearing heels.

I've always liked high heels on women but I'm fairly new to wearing them myself. My first time was only a few months ago when, on a whim, I tried on a pair of my partner's mules. They were a couple of sizes too small but I loved the look of them on my feet and the effect they had on my posture. I immediately started searching for some heels for myself and soon found a gorgeous pair of black, strappy sandals with three-inch heels in a local charity shop.

I adore these shoes and wear them constantly in the house. Because I have worn them so much they are starting to look a little tired, so I've been trying to find some more - with no success so far.

Looking through some of the posts on the site it seems that a lot of people wear five- and six-inch heels, but I don't think I could do that. I'm six feet tall, so if I wore such high heels door frames and light fittings would become health hazards!

Anyway, enough of my wittering, I'm off to read a few more of your posts.

Best wishes,


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Welcome, Acreman. If you love high heels, either worn by women or men, you have arrived at the right place. You will find there are so many women and especially men who enjoy the thrill of wearing high heels. Hope to hear more from you in the future. Welcome again.;)

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