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Lesson in Humility


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Never married, at age 58, I still enjoy going out, now and then, for an evening of dancing. There are wonderful dance parties for adult singles, almost every weekend, in my area. It was a snowy Saturday night, here in Minnesota. Just last Saturday, in fact. It is a weakness, I know, but I enjoy dressing up for these events. I had just finished getting a manicure at the nail salon, a dark fuschia, with gold sparkles. And I was so ready to go dancing. After a quick stop at the supermarket, I zipped back home to change for the dance. A long blue denim skirt, black turtleneck, black tights, knee high stiletto boots, and a black leather vest. This skirt had no pockets, so all usual pocket debris went into my man-bag. Well across town, was the drive, through a light snowfall, all the way. When I arrived at the ballroom, the parking lot was totally full, and I had to park a block away. Clickety-clack, clickety-clack, across the asphalt, and up to the door. Inside, the place was as jammed as the parking lot. Four or five hundred people were there. I walked about the room, exchanging greetings, and checking out the women. I sat down to talk with one gal, who reproached my seated posture. "If you are going to wear a skirt, keep your legs together," she said. I tried, and then replied, "It is squeezing my thing." She introduced me to her date, and then I danced with her, and several other women, too. I bought a drink, and partook of the buffet table. Good eats! So it went through the evening. Talked to many acquaintances, and danced here and there. The long skirt was no impediment to dancing, but I was challenged by my 4" stiletto heels. They were about pencil thin, and made me concentrate on my balance and footing. That was not a problem, really, until late in the evening. A cute gal, very thin, and highly energized, wanted to dance with me, to fast rock'n'roll. I was doing OK, and she was just motorized, all over the crowded dance floor. At the end of the last song that we danced to, she was positioning herself for me to dip her. Thank you all for waiting this long. Here comes the lesson in humility. Anyway, as she was ready for the dip movement, instead, our feet tangled, and suddenly she went right down on her back. I fell hard, directly on top of her, and boy, was that a surprise. Luckilly, neither of us suffered injury, but wow, were we embarrassed. There I was, in skirt and heels, laying on top of a woman on a crowded dance floor. That, my friends, was a lesson in humility.

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"Were there any other men there in heels or skirts?" As the unraveling bowline self-identified, "Frayed Knot." No, I was the only one. My outfits are something of a scandal at the local singles dances. Other folks take pictures and everything. Nearly all the women I ask to dance, will dance with me, though. And there are usually some who ask me. "How do you expect to find a woman, while dressed like that?" some will inquire. I can find them OK. It is catching them that is more difficult, especially in those really tall and thin heels. Fortunately, I think no one got a picture of us, as we were in a jumbled heap, down on the floor. Dancing in heels is great recreation, IF you have a good sense of humor.

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Great thread. :cool1:

Can't see where the 'humility' kicks in though? ;)

Falling over while dancing, for anyone, can be acutely embarrassing for sure. Both of the dancers wearing heels only makes it more likely surely? [Puts another slant on "Tripping the light fantastic"?]

Getting as dressed up as you like, having a night out amongst many people who are accepting of your own personal dress code, sounds like the perfect gig to me?


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Magickman, this is a great story. You are one lucky man to be able to dress in high heels and go dancing with women. I am heterosexual, but the only times I've been dancing in high heels are at a couple of gay bars. And none of the lesbians asked me to dance. I wasn't sure whether to ask them or not, since they were with other women.I hope your dance partner wasn't startled, hurt, ans was understanding. Although it sounds like this is a great community to readily accept you dressed as you do for these events. More power to you, Magickman!;)

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magickman great story and glad no one got hurt. I got a lesson in humility this afternoon myself, during my lunch hour I need to take care of some things and I put on my 4" pumps and the first two stops no problems I don't think anyone noticied the last stop was at Walgreens and I started into the store not knowing that they had just rewaxed the floors and I went strolling in and the second step through the door that thin heel hit that slick floor and it was like being on ice as I went sliding in I am thinking OH S--- so I turned around walked very carefully out of the store and back to my truck put on my boots and went back in I thought I had wearing stilettos down but I think I need practice on polished tile floors, then as I am standing in line to pay for my purchase in walks to young ladies both wearing stiletto heels and they go walking by like noting now thats a lesson in humility ;)

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