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Quotable Quotes


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I was listening to “Meet the Press” and Doris Kerns Goodwin mentioned the following quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, “You cannot embarrass me without my consent.” I’m sure Eleanor didn’t have guys wearing heels and skirts in mind, but the concept applies. How many times have we read in posts about someone being too embarrassed to go out in heels? Being embarrassed is something you do to yourself not something others do to you. ;)

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I have never had anyone, male or female, come up to me in public and say to my face, "You look (fill in the blank) wearing those high heels!" The scenario that I play out in my mind is that I would say, "Then don't look at me!" and I would walk away unembarrassed. The only comments made to me personally (by women) have been positive. Just the way I am, my personal being, whenever any person makes a "scene," public or private, I do get flustered. When I've heard the gigles and under the breathe remarks, I easily tune them out. And I love going out in high heels so much I am going to continue to do so. I've not been embarrassed by anyones remarks or reactions. But then again, no one has yelled out "guy in stiletto heels" in a crowd in public. I'll cross that bridge if I get there.;)
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