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Hi,,to everyone....

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Hi, to everyone, i am very happy to have find this Forum here . For me ,, one of the best community on web. I am from Luxbg, and i love to see, feel, and wear boots. My english is not good , sorry ..i hope that everybody here can understand me.... I have pics of me but i can not posted in a Thread?? For all helps ,,,Thanks..

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Hello and welcome iibb, We agree with you 100%, "one of the best community's on the web"!! Glad you have joined us all. You're just a quick hop across the channel from the next Annual World Heel Meet, Feb 16, 2008 in London!! Hope you will join us all? More info is available in the calendar link as well as in the discussion topic "real life meetings" where you'll see a couple of threads. One that describes the event,etc. and the other about booking your hotel reservation with the group. Look forward to seeing you in February? david & cathy p.s. we'll both be in our big tall high heel Boots as well!

"Dress For Your Own Pleasure"

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Hi to you all im Heels me and im finding it thrilling that others like me just love high heels. Im just in the midst of getting som new ones for my birthday well my 40th to go with my tucks. As i am new to the site wouldloveto chat and stuff with fellow heels folk xxx:wave:

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