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Interesting Experience


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Yesterday I attended a Baptism for my best friend's daughter... A large contingent of his family flew in from Miami Florida for the event.

His cousin's wife (who is Cuban) has this most amazing body as well as wardrobe of clothing and apparantly shoes, was wearing a remarkably tight white linen dress (above the knee) and these even more amazing shoes.

Posted Image

I couldn't help but to constantly watch her as she walked, stood, shifted weight between feet, etc....

She walked in them with such confidence and grace... as if she were walking barefoot.

While at the Church... there were several other women (from a different family/Baptism) that were wearing shoes that you don't expect to see in a Church. A few high stilettos, a couple of platform boots, and most importantly a pair of sandles with a 1 inch platform and 6+ inch wedges. Out of obvious respect, I didn't take a picture of them (also because my wife was sitting next to me).

Just thought I'd share.

PS - my friend's cousin's wife also had a pair of 9West mocassin type flats that were just unbelievably hot as well.... Not sure why - maybe it was because she was wearing them. Didn't have the camera at that time.

Men's 13W : Women's 15/16

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