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Real worn shoes.


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I guess as this is my first post i might be going over an old subject,but i was just interested to hear others views on shoes that are worn daily as opposed to the ones that are discribed as so called fetish shoes. I much prefer to see real shoes with real wear on the soles and inners than a pair fresh out of the box for a photo shoot.:wavey: My other topic is mature feet. i do like to see older feet with a few veins and looking like the owner has seen a bit of life rather than those fresh footed models who seem to have worn trainers all their life and only wear high heels for the aforementioned photo shoots. My other pet hate is transparent stripper platforms.:smile: All that said, a heel is a heel and all have their own preferences.just thought i would stick my views in and see if anyone agrees with me.:sad:

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Hi Zopot, and welcom to the forum.:smile::wavey: Now about all those hang-ups - I think we all have certain preferences that we hold near and dear. But I try to hold to a live and let live attitude. Mature feet? Yeah I've got 'em, along with a lot of others here, but there is something to be said for the younger, more supple legs and feet as well. Transparent heels? Well I kinda like them because they put me in mind of "Cinderella" slippers. High mileage shoes? I like to think of mine as high smileage shoes. I have some that I've worn for more than 10 years. So when something comes loose, a little glue or a nail or a stitch or two usually gets 'em back on the road again. Some of my shoes remind me of the story of Minnie Pearl who was complaining about having trouble replacing her shoes. It seems she had been wearing the same pair of shoes in her show for some 40 years and over time they had been repaired, reheeled, resoled, and restitched to the point that her cobbler finally had to tell her that there was nothing more he could do for her - she needed to replace the shoes. :sad: Trouble was, she had worn the shoes so long that nobody was even making that style any more and she was facing having to have them custom made. Well I have a pair of espadrilles that are nearly that bad. They've been glued, stitched, screwed and nailed beyond all proportion, yet I still wear 'em. Let's face it, there's nothing like a good shoe.;)

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

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I totaly agree with you guy n heels. I did not mean that everyone should share my own tastes.and as i said a high heel is a high heel,no matter what the shape or style. Yes i do like nice young smooth legs and feet all i meant was i am not too keen on the pics in the girly mags that you know are only a set up and probably not a reflection of the real woman wearing them.but if people like to see them anyway i would go to the front line to fight for their right to do so. Thanks for your reply to the question.hope i did not give you the wrong impression of my views.:smile: Zopot.

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Can't help but wonder if Minnie's dilapidated boots still had the tags on 'em -- like her hat?

I think the concept of the tag was that unless you paid for the item at the "Genr'l Store" you had to leave the tag on until it was paid for. The gag wouldn't have worked for the boots because they almost never showed her feet anyway. But the tag on the hat was always an attention getter since the string was long enough for it to keep falling in her face.

I have seen the original boots and I am amazed that she got 40 years worth of wear out of them. She even admitted that in some places the leather was almost worn through from the inside.

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

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I do generally find worn looking shoes sexier than brand new ones, not abused, just looking like the owner has put a couple of miles on them. I'm not a big fan of platforms either, they're OK I guess but non-platform heels are far sexier IMO. Chris

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I don't much care for "stripper" platforms either, whether they be on the clear acrylic "units," or on opaque ones. My pet peeve are extremely poor quality "cheap" heels of any kind-- they are actually dangerous, because their arches are too weak and flimsy for even everyday wear. I suffered a severely sprained ankle when the arch collapsed on one pair I was wearing.

As for the clear "Cinderella slippers," I really pine for the gorgeous ornate designs started by Beth Levine in the 1950's and 60's. I have one pair of those that are no longer wearable, that I keep around just to show to people. I've already taken a complete set of photographs, and will write an article about them for the vintage fashion forum...I promise...eventually...some day...

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My first heels were of the "extreme" type, 12cm or more spiky heel boots, only to be worn indoors, but I changed a lot with the years passing by.

Now I only buy boots that I know I will be able to wear outside anytime, shoes that are actually used and not only closet decoration.

Platforms ? Err, I personally don't like them, or just moderate ones like on New Rock boots. But I strongly dislike those "drag queen" style shoes and boots with huge chunky platforms.

Another pet peeve of mine would be lace up shoes with a damned zipper. Hell, there are laces, why add a zipper ?



I love that model, but why the hell had they to add a damned zipper ?

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I sort of agree in that we buy heels to wear out rather than just at home; so we dont do taller than 5", but we wear them regularly and openly. Also we only do leather, as they look nice with age and meld to the shape rather than synthetic which dont and are often uncomfortable. Not sure bout the veins tho....

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Another pet peeve of mine would be lace up shoes with a damned zipper. Hell, there are laces, why add a zipper ?



I love that model, but why the hell had they to add a damned zipper ?

Just out of curiosity, what bothers you about having a zipper on lace-ups? I would guess the zipper is there: 1) for convenience, or 2) because laces are more or less decorations on some styles.
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