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Well, I suppose it had to happen, eventually. Last Saturday night, I was at the weekly singles dance, held at a VFW (veteran's) meeting hall. Good turnout, around 200 people. I was wearing a brand new pair of black leather, Nine West, knee high boots, with 4" heels. Forget the guys. Usually, I have taller heels than any of the women. But not this time. There was a blond with absolutely awesome white platform sandals. The platform was 2 1/2" to 3", and the heels were an alpine 6" or 7" high! She left me in the foothills. This woman was real tightly attached with her date, and I did not get to talk to, or dance with her. She did it, though. She outheeled me.

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You're right it had to happen sometime. I must admit though that I do enjoy it when I'm out in heels and either see a woman in lower heels than mine, or one not walking in them as well as I do. ;)


Right on . . . and does the way a women walks in heels become a significant part of her attraction (or the contrary). Does for me. There's lots of women out here who put the heel and the sole down at the same time rather than rotating on the heel - and it simply looks awful.
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The way a woman walks in heels does become part of her attraction. While I wouldn't fancy a woman just because of her shoes, they do score bonus points. One of the women at work is a part-time model, and she often wears very high heels. When she walks she does this sort of intentional wobble, a bit like a sideways heel rock with each step and it looks very sexy. Putting the sole and heel down at the same time is weird! I've just tried it and it feels so unnatural! Chris

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