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My cool nephew


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Tomorrow is, fastelavn, a danish dress-up day like halloween. Where the kids dress up and go trick or treating. Yesterday my newphew say he would like to go as a girl and was running around in my moms pink pumps and looking in catalogues for other shoes. Both my mom and sister was very encouraging. He dressed up as a princess 2 years ago, too. I said that it would be really cool if he dared to wear the shoes to school when it WASN'T fastelavn and he assured me that he would definetely have the guys for that. I just think he has a lot of guts, for a 12 year old, to do that. I remember when I was that age. I wouldn't have dared.

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Excellent story, Pumps. Could you tell us a little more about Fastelaven? Tell us about it's origins and history. Is it something like Carnival or Mardi Gras? Is it purely Scandenavian?

It's the danish version of the carneval, from the same tradition. Today it's primarely a childrens celebration. The children dress up in costumes, go trickortreating and hitting a barrel on a rope, much like with a pinnata. In the old day there were a real live cat in the barrel, as it was believed that beating cats would keep away the plague. Nowadays its candy and confetti.

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When you mentioned wearing the shoes to school, was it the pink ones he was wearing? Or the ones in the cataloge? What ones did he like?

It was my moms pink ones. He asked her if he could borrow them.

Unfortunately he got sick and didn't make it to fastelavn.

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