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I now dont have to hide my heel wearing


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Hey all.

Well I posted on a previous thread about developments with my parents and heel wearing (I am a 23 yo student at university still living at home).

Anyway, as I said previously my mum had encouraged me to wear my heels and gave me some boots to wear. Well I have finally owned up to the heels they found that started this all off and I can now report that the coast is clear. I have been wearing heels out and about casually for the last few days and today I wore one of my own pairs I had been hiding see link for picture:


So today I wore the boots with long bootcut jeans to uni and before I left my mum said that I looked well. So it is great to just wear them instead of hiding them and I cant wait to see what the future holds on this. I will more than likely stick to block type heels etc, I think that if I wore stilletos etc around them they would feak out.

Thanks to all who posted on the previous thread and gave me the courage to face up to my folks.

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That's great formally... I would not count out wearing other types of heels though... I don't know about spending money on block type heels if inside you would rather be wearing pumps or stillettos/ But to each their own. I would say take your time, but think about using the opportunity to let them in on stuff you may want to do. That's just my opinion, but congrats again!

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