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Just want to say I will be posting more quick flicks and pics soon. I've been working 7 days a week for a while now but it's a good thing and it has been below 0 temps here in Ohio and just to dang cold to get out in heels especially with the ice and snow. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

real men wear heels


Yesterday Morning 6:00 A.M. - 34 Celcius it is about -29.2 Fahrenheit.

It is hard to breath because air is so dry. Car is like deep freeser. Life still goes on. If I go out, I wear more warm clothes. Not so stylish but keeps me alive.

My position is about 61°29" and 23°45"


There were some nice frosts in Poland last year... the temperature reached -20°C (or less!) and there was a lot of snow. Now it's snowy too, but the temperature is unfortunately zero (I wish it was -5 so the snow wouldn't melt). This year I bought a faux fur and knee high cowboy boots, and the weather is right- at last! Imagine that there was NO SNOW AT ALL in whole December and most od January!

What is good for a goose, can be good for any gender!


There were some nice frosts in Poland last year... the temperature reached -20°C (or less!) and there was a lot of snow. Now it's snowy too, but the temperature is unfortunately zero (I wish it was -5 so the snow wouldn't melt). This year I bought a faux fur and knee high cowboy boots, and the weather is right- at last! Imagine that there was NO SNOW AT ALL in whole December and most od January!

If it's snow yer wanting, try upstate New York! Last report was more than 2 meters with more on the way. They'll likely get 3 meters worth before it's over with temps down to 0 degrees Farenheit.:wink:

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels


Well as for me, I was raised on the pacific coast, sunny California but some how took a wrong turn and landed in the middle of Ohio from Colorado, etc.etc. but do very much prefer the beach.

real men wear heels


If it's snow yer wanting, try upstate New York! Last report was more than 2 meters with more on the way. They'll likely get 3 meters worth before it's over with temps down to 0 degrees Farenheit.:wink:

(I really never expected to be quoting myself.)

Okay, it's officical now, some parts of upper NY State got approximately 120" of snow. That's well over 3 meters:text_wow:, for you guys running around with a meter stick.

Pretty soon they're gonna have to start shoveling off their chimneys :huh:and finding barrels to discard the smoke into after they break it off. :D

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels


Three METERS of snow? Whoa, it's impressive! I bet you have to dig burrows and tunnels now :wink:.

What is good for a goose, can be good for any gender!


Three METERS of snow? Whoa, it's impressive! I bet you have to dig burrows and tunnels now :wink:.

Some of them claim their driveways and walks look like canyons. But the real problem is: where to put all of it? Right now they've got so much of it that they'd need 2 or 3 days of 80 degree temperatures just to melt it off. Then they might have some serious flooding problems.

The flip side of that is if they continue with the bone chilling cold they might never get rid of it!

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels


Didn't intend to start a discussion about the weather but hey! what ever works huh. Dang!!! Thats alot of snow in NY. Hope everybody is Ok. We aint got nothin compare to that. I can messure all the snow we've gotton so far with my 6" heels.

real men wear heels


Didn't intend to start a discussion about the weather but hey! what ever works huh. Dang!!! Thats alot of snow in NY. Hope everybody is Ok. We aint got nothin compare to that. I can messure all the snow we've gotton so far with my 6" heels.

Amen to that, brother. We've had a light dusting around here that refuses to go away because of the Arctic cold, but those Yorkers have got some real problems! :wink: If I never see that much snow again it will be too soon.

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels


It's now official - upstate NY has got over 4 meters of snow and it's still coming! I guess the next thing is polar bears.

From what I've been seeing and hearing about global warming, those bears could use a little of up state NY right now.

real men wear heels


From what I've been seeing and hearing about global warming, those bears could use a little of up state NY right now.

Yeah, well seals are the polar bears favorite delicacy. But with no seals on the menu, what's their next favorite item? In a word, things could fast become un-BEARable.:wink:

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels


ALL RIGHT, guys! For the first time in almost a month I woke up with the temperature outside above freezing! :wink: (church choir in the background breaks out with the Halleujah Chorus):D Now if I can just get the ice out of my driveway things will be doing a lot better.

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels


Well folks, please remember that New York is a big state, and not all of it is buried under 10 ft (3 m) of snow. My area (western NY) got "only" 2 ft of snow! I hear NY got lots of ice, not much snow in the last storm. Fortunately we're coming out of the deep freez into a thaw where 25 F (-4 C) feels like spring!! The temperature went up to about 45 F today (8 C)!!! How do you say that, "Hallejuah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Well we're into a melt down also finally. Looks like it is going to be a good season for the wet and messy heeler's. Now the snow will melt and we'll get rain. Thats what it does in Ohio!!! Then when we finally come up for air in Aug. it will be so hot you can't stand it and humid but I will still be greatfull for the warm weather. Great for heel watching. Can't wait!!!

real men wear heels

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