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First night out


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I'd thought about going out in heels, but was scared what people might think. Reading the board and all, I decided different, and last night hit my boys' place with some boots. Nobody said a thing. Weird, man. I was especting like sirens and stuff. I think like two people noticed, but it wasn't nothing. Just like some dude wearing what he wants, know what I'm saying? I'm thinking about doing it again next weekend.

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What where your heels like?

The first steps through the front door are the best I find.


Appreciate the words, Chris 100575.

Kraps, (ok if I call you that?) it was a trip. Just 3" heels. Blocks, but skinny. Leather. No question they weren't men's shoes. But no question why I was wearing them, neither.

First steps, but not last ones.

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I disagree. I much prefer the steps about five minutes *after* you go out when you realise that the world hasn't cracked in two!


I don’t know Chris.

If it’s your first time then you have probably been building up to it for months.

Set the scene…

It’s the morning of your first day out. Wearing heels for the first time has been on your mind for months.

Your going out at 7 but you have your shoes on in the morning to acclimatise your feet for what is to come.

At 6:45 you talk yourself out of it and give yourself a million reasons why you should not do it – all of them, in your own mind, valid.

It’s 6:55 and you’re on again. You have waited far too long for this, and if you don’t do it now, you never will.

Your coat is on.

You open the door and the daylight hits you. The everyday noise that you hear each day is magnified.

As you step through the door, you heels hit the pavement for the first time. My god the noise they make!!! The world and his dog can hear them.

Your mouth is dry and your heart beats as the door shuts behind you. – No turning back now!!

The pavement is a totally alien environment , harsh and unforgiving. No more the comfort of the carpet that you have enjoyed for years, you have entered a territory that women have had dominion over your whole life.

The more you walk, the more your confidence grows.

The more your confidence grows, the more daring you become.

You encounter shoppers, people cleaning their cars; People from all walks of life just going about their daily grind and guess what? Nobody notices or cares.

The world has not cracked in two, but somewhere along the line your heels have lost their magic.

I think the first, tentative few steps through the door is a pivotal moment when your heels transform from a fetish to an everyday extension of your wardrobe.

There are not many street heelers on here that would turn the clock back and return to the closet, but I feel we have all lost a little part of the buzz.

Never try to baptise a cat

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Hey! I perfectly know what you wrote about. Yesterday I had my first day out when I was wearing a faux fur jacket and a quite manly looking purse. Before I came out, I felt a wave of confidence. Leaving my house, I felt somewhat shy and nervous, but after some time I regained my confidence through self-suggestion. I thought: "I'm young, classy, attractive and confident, I don't care what others say or think, and I'm both a man and a woman at the same time- I'm liberated!"- and believed in this. Positive thinking is *crucial*.

What is good for a goose, can be good for any gender!

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I couldn't agree more with that statement. Staying inside (fetish) and going outside (fashion) is a crucial distinction that serves our communities interests. The more that people respect this as fashion and not fetish, the greater the chances we assimilate.

This is a wonderful distinction between fetish and fasion. I personally beleive that sometimes they are tough to distinguish. For example, I like to wear nice jeans. They make me feel sexy. Because jeans help me feel sexy, do I have a fetish foe jeans? Well, maybe, but they are acceptable for an man to wear in public and I have NEVER been asked if I have a fettish for jeans.

By this simple definition, I think Kneehighs has summed it up perfectly. Once we bring out our tastes in clothing, it ceases to be "fettish" and becomes "fashion." This is a distinction that I know I will use the next time somebody asks me if I have a "fettish" while wearing heels.

In the same way that some of us lose our buzz, I hope the world loses its buzz over men in heels as well. The more we habituate and desensitize the world to men in heels, the greater the chances we assimilate.

Again, I agree. At first, as many of us have discussed, the buzz is a wonderful thing. However, does the buzz come from some deep seeded sexual desire or does it come from having the courage to push society's conventions and simply be who we are and do what we like? It is my sense that most of us fall in the latter catagory as opposed to the former. Being out there, naturally and freely will be the ultimate buzz as we just extend the fasion choices for men in general.

Congratulations to us all for exercising our freedom of choices in all ways, specifically feeling free to wear any shoes that we choose!

Style is built from the ground up!

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