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Hi I'm new on this forum. I love high heels. I love watch on them and wear too. I'm from Poland and my english isn't very well. So if it possible please help me to learn this language. I want in future talk with you better than now. Please correct me any time in future and be patient for me. Regads MrK


Welcome mrk Don't worry about your english. Many people here are non-english, I am swedish myself. You do also have fellow countrymen from Poland here but what I understand it is not easy to find women shoes in Poland in bigger sizes. Maybe you are lucky to wear "normal" woman sized shoes. Happy heeling


Welcome mrk

... but what I understand it is not easy to find women shoes in Poland in bigger sizes. Maybe you are lucky to wear "normal" woman sized shoes.

Happy heeling

Yes it is problem. I try to wear biger woman sizes like 42 or 41.5. My size is 42-43 (often is 42) so if i can then buy women shoes in this size.


mrk: Where in Poland are you? You don't have to be very specific if you don't want. I am just curious since I live very south in Sweden, only a ferry trip from Poland. About 10 years ago I visited Poland for skiing in Zakopane and then I also stopped by in Krakow. I have also been one day in Warsaw back in 2003 or 2004. And actually a couple of hours in Zwinoucie (probably spelled this city wrong!) walking from Germany! (Just crossing the border sinze I visited the museum of Aircrafts and rockets in Peenemünde.)


I living in Warsow. How I see you was in Poland several times and various places.



I also live in Poland and know about the problems you have to overcome in order to wear heels. I wear big 42/ 43/ 44 (the shoe size varies a lot...) and usually buy some nice shoes off Allegro. I prefer block heels and thicker spikes, and I'm a very big fan of HH oxfords. They are so... gender-bending, as it's a style associated with males, yet the high heel is the feminine part. I also post at http://forum.obcasy.net in the "men in HH" thread, and at http://trixi.mojeforum.net . How did you find your way here?

Pozdro 666 :wink:

What is good for a goose, can be good for any gender!


Welcome Mrk. When i'm shopping for shoes (i wear a 9-10 us) i usually look online at german and british sites. they seem to have a wide selection as far as sizes go for men AND women. Be Well.


>>Elegant<< i was in forum.obcasy.net member too, but some things caused that now im not. Many times in this forum i posted in similar threads like you said. Many times i wrote that men i HH looks not bad, even better than some women (i know that is risk theory).

Now i writing on other forum about heels. There are some people from forum.obcasy.net. I think that you know wich forum is it. :wink:

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