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Hey guys my boots are finally fixed. Yesterday i come home from school and in the hallway are the boots fixed with a new 4 inch stiletto heel. These boots are amazing, and finally i can walk in them w.o possibly falling off. I will take more pics very soon, and will post them here for you, as well as on my blog. The boots are very high & hot, and i love them, btw I'll try to film some videos soon as well.

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no, she doesn't know i wear heels. its cold here in nyc, so she took them out for herself to wear, and noticed them being broken, and fixed them for herself not for me. i wear them when she isn't wearing them and isn't at home, which is today for example, but starting next week wont be too much cause she's going to be wearing them everyday to work. but i can wear them on weekends when she isn't. I love them though, i still have another pair of pumps, which have the same heel, which i also love, those i wear everyday. But the boots hurt alot i wore them for a few hrs today and my legs are killing me, but i still love them, and look good in them. I'll definitely wear them every time i get a chance, and i will deffinetly take more picture for you guys.

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Hi shaq91,

Do you feel your mom won't accept the fact that you like to wear heels? I ask because it would probably be better if you had your own shoes/boots on your own size and liking no?

no, they'll definitely be very upset and mad, and prolly make me pay for breaking the heels once. but ill prolly get caught sooner or later, but im only 15, i don't want to tell them it wouldn't be right. but I'd definitely like to buy shoes on my own liking, but those shoes fit me very well, i wouldn't mind it being a higher heel though

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So what happened to:

23rd september

Yea, but my mom knows, and she said keep them or fix them. I decided to keep them for now, and then in a while ill get them fixed. I didnt get into much trouble though. plz, cmnt on youtube!!!!!..


11th November

im not sure, but the ones im getting arent dior, but these will be my first heels i bought myself if i buy dem. My first boots where my moms, i own them now cause i broke the right heel...

So either your mum has amnesia and doesn't remember telling you "keep them or fix them" or...


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So what happened to:

23rd september


11th November

So either you mum has amnesia and doesn't remember telling you "keep them or fix them" or...


k, chris my mom never said keep them or get them fixed, i decided to either keep them or get them fixed for my mom. but i decided to put them back, now its winter, my mom wants to wear the boots, so she fixed them for herself w.o knowing i broke them, and left them in the hallway. I was lucky enough for her to leave them home today, so i walked in them today and took some pics & made some videos, or the new improved famous boots, that started my passion for heels.

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