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Shopping in my pumps


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I just did my usual monthly shopping in my pumps. It's was great. I'm not quite ready for heeling in my neightbourghood, so I changed shoes in the car and drove to another branch of the store I usually shop in. I was wearing my beige pants and blue blazer and tried to act as normal as possible. It worked fine. The store was not that packed on a sunday morning, but that when I usually go to this store to avoid the crowds.

I whole thing was pretty uneventful. I did notice some stares, but nothing big. I tried not to let the noise bother me and I kinda succeded.

All in all a very pleasent experience.

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I just did my usual monthly shopping in my pumps. It's was great. I'm not quite ready for heeling in my neightbourghood, so I changed shoes in the car and drove to another branch of the store I usually shop in. I was wearing my beige pants and blue blazer and tried to act as normal as possible. It worked fine. The store was not that packed on a sunday morning, but that when I usually go to this store to avoid the crowds.

I whole thing was pretty uneventful. I did notice some stares, but nothing big. I tried not to let the noise bother me and I kinda succeded.

All in all a very pleasent experience.

Good for you, my friend. As others have pointed out in other posts, ninety-five percent of the people you encounter in your outings are too wrapped up in their own lives and affairs to notice or care a wwhit about a man in heels, and those who do often do nothing more than glance or do double takes. Trust me on that. I've worn heels in malls packed with people and never had any sort of problem. As long as you present a tasteful image and don't stand out like the proverbial sore thumb, wearing heels in public is a snap. And, the more you venture out in heels, the easier it invariably becomes. Have a great day!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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That's something that I haven't tried yet, as I usually wear boots.


Dawn HH

Well I just went shopping in my new boots. This time heeled from home and at a store close to where I live. It was pretty much uneventful. My boots are easyer to drive in, but hurts my feet a bit. Maybe I just need to walk more in them.

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