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Nice Boots


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I was wearing some boots my date had not before seen. They were brown leather, knee high, Nine West, 4" stilettos. I asked her if she liked my boots.

"They are nice boots," she replied,... "For a woman."

And then what?

real men wear heels

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"For a woman," she said. The implication is that high heels are not suitable for a man. Of late, the "he is wearing heels, therefor he must be gay" theory has been resurfacing. I thought that was so two years ago. Probably, I should distance myself from these lowbrow types, but I do enjoy mixing it up with a variety of people. My date's family has apparently marked me as the weird boyfriend, who must be gay. I dunno folks. It may be time again, to look for a new woman.

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Well, why? IF you love her AND she accepts your passion, why the hello kitty should you dump her because of her homophobic (because they don't seem to accept LGBT people) and ignorant (because they use false stereotypes) family?

What is good for a goose, can be good for any gender!

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So, let me get this straight, she was out with you. She must have noticed something about you before you asked about your boots. Height difference? Sound of your steps. But, she did not bolt when the date started. Or has she never seen you not in high heels? She must not mind being with you but may be parroting sentiment she has heard from others (family). Kudoos for being up front with your fashion choices. You do not ever have to worry about being "found out." Did you ask her opinion to confirm suspicion that she does not like your heels as well as her family thinks you are weird? If so, now you know. Or was it just an innocent wish to be acknowledged for a smart fashion choice? However, she did not say you should stop wearing them. Just that they are nice for a woman. Sounds like there is room for a dialogue.

classic style high heel boots

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The stories of members who have to hide their shoes, even from spouses and close friends, always strike a discordant tone with me. It is like the culture of fear meets the angry mob of ignoarant peasants. When I meet a new date, I almost always wear boots with 4" heels, and I make no effort to conceal them. My boots are an extension of my personality, and not a subject of shame, It is still a matter of some conflictual nature, though, when the allegations of deviant sexual practice come to the surface. Who likes to be called names? Yesterday, I bought a pair of new boots at J. C. Penney. Gold leather zip-up ankle boots with 4" brown stacked heels. The color is quite luminous, and very striking. My date sugested that perhaps I should go by myself to the New Year's singles dance, "so I could show off the new boots, and holiday manicure" When I go out with her, she likes to suggest I wear "manly flat shoes" My shoes were never a surprise for her. I told her about them, before we met, and wore the heel boots at first meeting. If my heels become insurmountable obstacle to the further development of this relationship, I interpret that as an omen from the gods, that it is not a match made in heaven.

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The stories of members who have to hide their shoes, even from spouses and close friends, always strike a discordant tone with me. It is like the culture of fear meets the angry mob of ignoarant peasants.

When I meet a new date, I almost always wear boots with 4" heels, and I make no effort to conceal them. My boots are an extension of my personality, and not a subject of shame,

It is still a matter of some conflictual nature, though, when the allegations of deviant sexual practice come to the surface. Who likes to be called names?

Yesterday, I bought a pair of new boots at J. C. Penney. Gold leather zip-up ankle boots with 4" brown stacked heels. The color is quite luminous, and very striking.

My date sugested that perhaps I should go by myself to the New Year's singles dance, "so I could show off the new boots, and holiday manicure"

When I go out with her, she likes to suggest I wear "manly flat shoes"

My shoes were never a surprise for her. I told her about them, before we met, and wore the heel boots at first meeting.

If my heels become insurmountable obstacle to the further development of this relationship, I interpret that as an omen from the gods, that it is not a match made in heaven.

Sounds like you really have your act together.

Don't let anyone change that.

classic style high heel boots

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My date sugested that perhaps I should go by myself to the New Year's singles dance, "so I could show off the new boots, and holiday manicure."

When I go out with her, she likes to suggest I wear "manly flat shoes"

Sounds to me like she really doesn't approve -- and, indicates there might be a problem somewhere down the road.

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well magickman, I AM gay & I wear heeled boots, so anyone that still thinks that any & all gay men ALWAYS wear high heels (of all types) is so ignorant that it is BEYOND reason, since they do NOT seem to realize that almost ALL gays do NOT WEAR HEELS!!!!!!! as it has been pointed out in this forum time & time again!!! this so called "connection" as it wear to gays & heels is so illogical that is does in fact boggles one's mind (if you would take the time out to REALLY think about it that is) as I myself had said once before in this forum that a straight man wearing heels does NOT all of a sudden make him gay, NOR do ALL gay men run around wearing womens footwear (Id say boots for the most part) just to show how GAY they are!!! I am what youd call " the exeption to the rule" type of guy that loves heeled boots that just HAPPENS to be gay.

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The same kind of illogical thinking goes on when people see men in ANY kind of female attire, not just shoes. I wear tights and pantyhose as well as heels in public, as a happily married straight guy. In addition to this forum, I follow the discussions on the Legwear as Unisex Fashion forum on Delphi at http://forums.delphiforums.com/legwearuf . There are many comments there which are very similar to here. Why so many people jump to the conclusion that "if a guy wears anything femme he must be gay" is beyond me.

The folks over at Comfilon's Activskin legwear for men http://www.comfilon.com have discussed this issue on their web site under Customer Support, "OAQs" (occasionally asked questions) at http://www.comfilon.com/OAQs.asp It's worth a quick read. I love their "comeback":

Conversation: "I notice you're wearing pantyhose. Are you gay?" Response: "No, I'm not gay. But I have a friend who is gay, and he has a shirt just like the one you're wearing...." Get the point?


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I have had only one GF who disagreed with my passion for heels and that ended with in 5 months but we remain good friends. Her daughter is gay and we get along great. As for the gf I have now, well she is awsom. We went to the jewelers to exchange the forever ring I bought her for Christmas and I wore my 4"blade ankle boots. They stuck out like a sore thumb with my light colored jeans. Nobody said a word until we were leaving the mall and walked through the food court where a couple of young girls were sitting having coffee and after we walked by clicking our heels they started giggling. Well so did we. It was so funny we thought. My GF was hanging on to my arm and hugging me and laughing right back at them. She is so cool. Then she looked at me and said "I love your heels". She has as much fun with it as I do. I am blessed with this gal. I will not have a narrow minded GF ever again. Life is to short not to enjoy the things you love and there are alot of women out there who will be more than happy to share your passion for footwear with you.Don't settle!!!

real men wear heels

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had only one GF who disagreed with my passion for heels and that ended with in 5 months but we remain good friends. Her daughter is gay and we get along great. As for the gf I have now, well she is awsom. We went to the jewelers to exchange the forever ring I bought her for Christmas and I wore my 4"blade ankle boots. They stuck out like a sore thumb with my light colored jeans. Nobody said a word until we were leaving the mall and walked through the food court where a couple of young girls were sitting having coffee and after we walked by clicking our heels they started giggling. Well so did we. It was so funny we thought. My GF was hanging on to my arm and hugging me and laughing right back at them. She is so cool. Then she looked at me and said "I love your heels". She has as much fun with it as I do. I am blessed with this gal. I will not have a narrow minded GF ever again. Life is to short not to enjoy the things you love and there are alot of women out there who will be more than happy to share your passion for footwear with you.Don't settle!!!

I am so happy for you... Good GF you have!

((( Frist i am not good to spell )))

..........(((( Sorry for that ))))........



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