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Ladies, do you think my wife could wear a smaller size on her boots?


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Hi, I have a quick question. My wife typically wears between a 7 1/2 to 8 Medium on her pointy toe high heels and boots. I saw a pair of thigh high boots that I cannot get in any other size other than in a 7 in which they have a more rounded toe than a pointy one and a 4" heel on them. In your opinion and from some of you who may find wearing a smaller size can work, do you think she may be able to wear these size 7 boots? Thanks for your opinion and feedback, blackhhb

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There is really only one way to find out -- and that is to have her try them on. There is a lot of variation in sizing between different manufacturers and different styles, if this particular boot runs a bit large she may be OK with them. But only she can know and she must try them to know. If the boots are available from an online shop, make certain that they have a generous return policy before ordering. Cramming one's feet into shoes that are too small is a certain formula for misery, and potential debilitating foot problems later. No matter how beautiful the style, no matter how much you want to see her in them, it just is not worthwhile to wear shoes that do not fit.

Have a happy time!

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I have a quick question. My wife typically wears between a 7 1/2 to 8 Medium on her pointy toe high heels and boots. I saw a pair of thigh high boots that I cannot get in any other size other than in a 7 in which they have a more rounded toe than a pointy one and a 4" heel on them. In your opinion and from some of you who may find wearing a smaller size can work, do you think she may be able to wear these size 7 boots?

Thanks for your opinion and feedback,


It's between 1/2 and a full size smaller. If she has wiggle room in most 7-1/2 shoes, it's possible, but JMC is right - the only good way to find out is to have her try them on.

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