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High heels in the news, but not for a good reason

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  Susan (the original) said:

In the general chit chat section of this forum I opened a thread titled "A woman's prerogative to say no". It turned into a war. Why! :wave: How! :silly: Much of the thread has been deleted, what's left doesn't make sense, and it's been locked, stopping any further discussion. That gives cause to a vivid reality and sends a very distinct message.


While everybody here is entitled to their own opinions and are free to express those opinions (Within common decency rules of course) we have warned you about casting public judgement over the teams moderation.

If you have a problem with the teams moderation, then discuss this in private without filling up our forum with your accusations and non-stop negativity.

The only "Vivid reality" here is your constant male bashing and negative accusations.

  Susan (the original) said:

Recently there have been a number of posts that have simply disappeared. One of them was a personal attack on me. All traces of it are gone. Now everyone can pretend it didn't happen. :smile:

Thats right, attacks on members probably will be removed. This isnt "Fight club". Do you have a problem with that?

Damn, you complain when others attack you for your constant attacks on men, then you still complain when those attacks are cleaned up and removed. I think its time you left for good, dont you?

  Susan (the original) said:

Until the high heeled male defends a woman's desire to say "NO" equally as loud as their desire to wear heels, nothing is going to change. I'm as serious as it gets. I'm just the messenger.


It has nothing to do with footwear, every species has a few wrotten eggs that ruin things for the rest. So, I think enough is enough of your endless "male bashing". I know there are many members here who are totally fed up with you turning EVERY discussion into something about womens rights, males in heels are abusive, how women need defending from guys in heels etc....

You have more than proved you have nothing to contribute to our community other than allegations, accusations and ill thought out (Totally off topic) conversations that really do belong elsewhere (Which you have been warned about many times before)

So, on that note, I'l gladly bid you farewell (Permanently) and announce that the old ban that we lifted on you (you didnt actually "elect to return", you just had an old permanent ban lifted) shall now be re-instated.

Then, to allow this conversation to continue properly, I shall delete susans post and any replies to it within a few days to allow all to read it and see just why you have been put back on the "Banned members" list.

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

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