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How does she do it??


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Last night I was out to dinner for a business function with 15 people from my department at work. The restaurant was on the waterfront and the table was in front of the window looking out on the water. My seat was also facing the water. Just outside the restaurant was a public access walkway for people to stroll up and down the riverbank. There was a woman, couldn't have been more that 21 years old (and very attractive) walking back and forth on the walkway, numerous times at that, wearing 5" stiletto sandles (no platform or ankle straps). She was walking as if she were wearing the most comfortable pair of smeakers!! I couldn't keep from staring at her while she was 'parading' back and forth. It wasn't for her beauty or shoes (ok - it was the shoes) but mostly to see how she is doing this with such style and grace. Outside of 'practice', any ideas?? I know that I've only been wearing for a couple of weeks, but dayumm!!!!!

Men's 13W : Women's 15/16

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Both Dawn and n_l have hit it on the head, however I would also have to add her heels fit her very well. It makes a difference if they fit right. I see ladies try and can't even stand up in heels in my store but others well its like they run laps in 5 inch heels.

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I watch my dance partner (24) dance in her 4" heels, and walk around. I don't know how she does it, but I guess girls are raised that way. They get more practice than guys because they can wear them whenever and wherever they want, which is much of the time.

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Girls are inherently more flexible than guys, as well, due to the different hormones running through our bodies. This plays a critical role in childbearing, and a man's generally stiffer build helps men to excel with strenuous bursts of movement critical to bringing down prey and fighting in general.

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