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is there a definition of mens and womens clothing in the Holy Book? Men wore robes back in those days! It's what society today think is "right" or "wrong". Don't let someone else's opinion affect you, you know what you like and you don't have to be ashamed of it. I like heels, and am not affraid to say so! :bday:

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is there a definition of mens and womens clothing in the Holy Book? Men wore robes back in those days!

Men still do! Men in Robes and Skirts Around The World TODAY

It's what society today think is "right" or "wrong".

You're correct. Unfortunately, it takes a long time and a lot of effort on the part of many people to change society's mind.

Don't let someone else's opinion affect you, you know what you like and you don't have to be ashamed of it. I like heels, and am not affraid to say so!


Good for you! See you on the street!

I believe it's simply a fashion prefrence and if you like wearing heels as much as the rest of us, than do so. Just be your self and God will love you unconditionaly. Heels or not.


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I believe it's simply a fashion prefrence and if you like wearing heels as much as the rest of us, than do so. Just be your self and God will love you unconditionaly. Heels or not.

Trust me, I will :D

t's what society today think is "right" or "wrong".

If society sees more men wearing heels and skirts then it will be "ok" and socially acceptable


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Hey Joe, It sounds to me like you've got a handle on it. While I can't agree with everything said, there's been a lot of good posts on this thread. The main point is that, at the end of the day, you have to be your own man. You simply cannot let someone else lead your life for you. Your choice of wearing high heels is a matter of fashion, not morals or religion. So stay in touch and let us know how things are going out your way. :evil:

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

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